Grassy Knoll Gunmen Identified
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Phil Ossofee
2013-03-12 19:10:44 UTC
Frank Sturgis, Roscoe White, and James Files are by far the best choices
to be the 2 gunman who fired from there. Phil D.

Sturgis had admitted to being one of the 2 gunman to a NY Detective. He
also has been id'd by Chauncey Holt and Files as being in the vicinity
of the knoll before the shots. Marita Lorenz said he was the leader of
the caravan that traveled to Dallas who were paid off by Howard Hunt for
the Assassination. Hunt said Sturgis was involved in his deathbed
confession. That's good enough for me. Conspiracies hatched in hell are
not witnessed by angels. Phil D.
2013-03-12 21:12:01 UTC
Post by Phil Ossofee
Frank Sturgis, Roscoe White, and James Files are by far the best choices
to be the 2 gunman who fired from there. Phil D.
Sturgis had admitted to being one of the 2 gunman to a NY Detective. He
also has been id'd by Chauncey Holt and Files as being in the vicinity
of the knoll before the shots. Marita Lorenz said he was the leader of
the caravan that traveled to Dallas who were paid off by Howard Hunt for
the Assassination. Hunt said Sturgis was involved in his deathbed
confession. That's good enough for me. Conspiracies hatched in hell are
not witnessed by angels. Phil D.
Conspiracies hatched in hell are not witnessed by angels. Phil D.

I like that line..... It's kinda like ...... If you're hunting geese
you don't go to an ice skating arena.....

David Ferrie just couldn't understand why Garrison wouldn't believe

Frankly David, your story doesn't add up.....Really? Mr
Garrison...... What part?
2013-03-12 21:37:53 UTC
Post by Phil Ossofee
Frank Sturgis, Roscoe White, and James Files are by far the best choices
to be the 2 gunman who fired from there. Phil D.
Sturgis had admitted to being one of the 2 gunman to a NY Detective. He
also has been id'd by Chauncey Holt and Files as being in the vicinity
of the knoll before the shots. Marita Lorenz said he was the leader of
the caravan that traveled to Dallas who were paid off by Howard Hunt for
the Assassination. Hunt said Sturgis was involved in his deathbed
confession. That's good enough for me. Conspiracies hatched in hell are
not witnessed by angels. Phil D.
I have little doubt that E.Howard Hunt was the mastermind behind the
murder of President Kennedy. He denied that he had anything to do with
the murder but when he was approaching the gates of Hell he started
changing his story....He acknowledged that the assassination was a
plot and he was involved....but only as a "bench warmer" . It
depends on his definition of "bench warmer" whether he could absolve
himself..... I doubt that he had a rifle to his shoulder or sqeezed
off any shots that day, but he was directing the show, just as he did
at the Watergate hotel several years later..
Phil Ossofee
2013-03-14 17:52:00 UTC
I think your right Walt-Hunt and Sturgis are neck deep in it. There ws a
picture in Coup'dEtat In America showing the Tramps, no I don't believe
Hunt or Sturgis were thetramps, however there is a policeman who looks a
lot like Sturgis in one of the photos and I think Sturgis was a former
policeman. Sturgis was a super macho ex-marine who killed a ton of peope
for Fidel when he first took over and if he was the leader of the
caravan who went to Dallas from Miami and was payed off by Hunt, I don't
think he was there to just watch the shooting like several other
suspicious figures. Phil D.
2013-03-15 17:50:21 UTC
Post by Phil Ossofee
I think your right Walt-Hunt and Sturgis are neck deep in it. There ws a
picture in Coup'dEtat In America showing the Tramps, no I don't believe
Hunt or Sturgis were thetramps,
Everrt Howard Hunt's son, Saint John Hunt said that he recognized his
dad as one of the "tramps".

"Someone" kept the tramp photo hidden for nearly ten years...... If
it wasn't incriminating then why keep it hidden?

I believe Hunt was there and the CIA was embarrassed that one of
their agents had been caught on camera. Hunr though of himself as a
super spy with above avrage intelligence...... In reality he was a
buffoon who dreamed up hare brained schemes and ignored small
details..... And that's exactly what we see in the assassination
plot. If it hadn't been for Hoover running cover for him he'd have
went to the gas chamber.

however there is a policeman who looks a
Post by Phil Ossofee
lot like Sturgis in one of the photos and I think Sturgis was a former
policeman. Sturgis was a super macho ex-marine who killed a ton of peope
for Fidel when he first took over and if he was the leader of the
caravan who went to Dallas from Miami and was payed off by Hunt, I don't
think he was there to just watch the shooting like several other
suspicious figures. Phil D.
2013-03-16 23:24:52 UTC
Post by Phil Ossofee
I think your right Walt-Hunt and Sturgis are neck deep in it. There ws a
picture in Coup'dEtat In America showing the Tramps, no I don't believe
Hunt or Sturgis were thetramps, however there is a policeman who looks a
lot like Sturgis in one of the photos and I think Sturgis was a former
policeman. Sturgis was a super macho ex-marine who killed a ton of peope
for Fidel when he first took over and if he was the leader of the
caravan who went to Dallas from Miami and was payed off by Hunt, I don't
think he was there to just watch the shooting like several other
suspicious figures. Phil D.
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Sam McClung
2013-03-12 21:40:42 UTC
Post by Phil Ossofee
Frank Sturgis, Roscoe White, and James Files are by far the best choices
to be the 2 gunman who fired from there. Phil D.
Sturgis had admitted to being one of the 2 gunman to a NY Detective. He
also has been id'd by Chauncey Holt and Files as being in the vicinity
of the knoll before the shots. Marita Lorenz said he was the leader of
the caravan that traveled to Dallas who were paid off by Howard Hunt for
the Assassination. Hunt said Sturgis was involved in his deathbed
confession. That's good enough for me. Conspiracies hatched in hell are
not witnessed by angels. Phil D.
agreed sturgis and white were gunmen (snipers)

I believe if sturgis was on the north knoll he was in the badgeman position
dressed as a dallas cop (ties in with bowers' sighting of 2 men in dpd
uniform shooting at jfk from behind the north knoll fence), in which case
tippit was on the south knoll, but I think tippit is a better candidate for
the north knoll badgeman position than sturgis, this scenario placing tippit
close to the gsbd where tippit was to kill the patsy oswald after tippit ran
from the badgeman area to the back of the gsbd, as seen by j.c. price I
believe; tippit being sighted in a dpd uniform in dealey plaza would not
have been as much a problem of concealing as sturgis, who was clearly not on
the dpd force

barker being on the north knoll and seen by weitzman may be an indicator
sturgis was on the north knoll, since those two seemed to work together

mackenzie placed sturgis in the dal-tex (see below quote)

my take is files is a disinfobot to counter the ricky white reality, was not
a gunman (sniper), and has abundantly impeached himself in what he has

mackenzie quote from
<begin quote>
Thus ended my interview with Roderick A. MacKenzie, III, although I could
have chatted with the man longer and probably will. I will end this
fantastic tale, with his permission, of the list of the JFK assassination
"killing teams" (from page 71 of The Men That Don't Fit In) as told to
Roderick A. MacKenzie by Malcolm "Mac" Wallace in a drunken stupor following
the assassination; take it or leave it, says MacKenzie:

Command area on the second floor of the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD):
Cliff Carter, Carlos Marcello, Jack Rubenstein, George Reese;
In the alley behind the fence and above the so-called Grassy Knoll: Clyde
Foust, John Ernst, Jack Grimm, Joseph P. Dugan;
Under the bridge in case the president was not shot, and above the railroad
area (these people were never used): Charles Harrelson, Percy Chauncy Holt,
Charles Frederick Rogers, a man called "Dimitri" from ACCC;
Roof of the County Records Building: Harry Weatherford, Roger Craig, Richard
Scalzetti, Michael Victor Mertz [aka Jean Rene Souetre];
Sixth floor of the TSBD in the nest and other setup areas: Ruth Ann
Martinez, Lee Harvey Oswald (under a spell according to Mac), Mac Wallace,
Lawrence Loy Factor;
The Dal-Tex Building (the team was supposed to be on top but had problems):
Eugene Hale Brading, Frank Fiorelli (Sturgis), Raphael "Chi Chi" Quintero,
Richard Cain.
<end quote>

being drunk wallace may have misremembered these details as to who was where

"Clyde Foust, John Ernst, Jack Grimm [radioman]" may have been nicknames for
roscoe white, j.d. tippit, and jack lawrence, respectively
Sam McClung
2013-03-12 21:45:56 UTC
Post by Sam McClung
mackenzie quote from
<begin quote>
Roof of the County Records Building: Harry Weatherford, Roger Craig,
Richard Scalzetti, Michael Victor Mertz [aka Jean Rene Souetre];
another indicator wallace may have misremembered details is that roger craig
was not on the roof of the county records building

also, if e.h. hunt meant souetre by "french gunman, grassy knoll" then
souetre/mertz could not have been on the county records building, and could
have been on either grassy knoll, north or south
Sam McClung
2013-03-12 23:26:33 UTC
Post by Sam McClung
Post by Sam McClung
mackenzie quote from
<begin quote>
Roof of the County Records Building: Harry Weatherford, Roger Craig,
Richard Scalzetti, Michael Victor Mertz [aka Jean Rene Souetre];
another indicator wallace may have misremembered details is that roger
craig was not on the roof of the county records building
also, if e.h. hunt meant souetre by "french gunman, grassy knoll" then
souetre/mertz could not have been on the county records building, and
could have been on either grassy knoll, north or south
in addition to wallace possibly misrmembering details,
mackenzie may have misremembered the details he heard from wallace as