can any one refute these 43 facts?
(too old to reply)
2016-07-12 18:01:06 UTC
Look at all the pieces of the puzzle as investigators do. If one *isolates* each point and determines that this alone will not convict, they will be correct. But if the entire picture these 43 pieces of evidence present in its entirety is considered, the preponderance of the overall picture is quite persuasive:
1) 3 shots; 3 spent cartridges at 6FSN which each matched Oswald’s Mannlicher Carcano. .
2) Three 5th floor ear witnesses hear 3 loud shots
near them.
3) Reports of 5th floor ceiling debris falling in
the hair.
4) Also reported from the 5th floor was the
possible sound of spent shells hitting above.
5) A man at least similar in appearance to Oswald
or shooter is seen on 6th floor with weapon by
Brennan. Brennan later identified Oswald but the WC listed his testimony as “probative” stopping short of a positive ID until later when he was out of danger. .
5a) Oswald palm print on his Mannlicher Carcano rifle.
5b) Oswald seen on 6F SN area minutes before 12:30 shots.
6) Oswald's MC rifle found on 6F of TSBD where SN was.
7) Oswald prints on SN box.
8) Oswald print on brown paper bag.
9) Ballistics tests *match* Oswald's rifle to ce399 and ce567 and ce569

10) Rifle on sixth floor proven to be purchased by Oswald.
///- -
11)Rifle (murder weapon) sent to Hidell/Marina PO Box.
12)Hidell ID found on Oswald at TT.
13)Oswald pulled pistol on Police at TT after entering without
14)That pistol exclusively linked to Tippit slaying.
15) ….No less than 10 eyewitnesses either see Oswald shoot Tippit
or see him leaving the murder scene.
16)….Oswald told the Dallas Police department he "did not own a gun." (A lie.)
17)Oswald could not effectively explain to Police why he took pistol to TT.
18)Oswald went to Paine's on Thursday rather than Friday.
19)Oswald took long brown bulky paper bag to work with him on 11-22-63AM.
20)….Both Frazier & Randall confirm seeing Oswald with a long bulky brown bag on 11-22-63 morning.
21)Oswald told Frazier long brown paper bag contained curtain rods.*
22)Curtain rods never found.*
23)Oswald denies to DPD that he ever told Frazier he had
"curtain rods" in long brown bag.*
24)Oswald denies both Frazier's long brown paper bag account,
as well as his "curtain rod" story.*DOES THIS MATTER? 25)..Fibers from Paine garage blanket found in/on brown paper
DOES THIS MATTER? 25a).. No explanation of who (other than Oswald) could
or WOULD have taken his rifle from the Paine garage. This is one of the *best* questions. I got it from the Godfather of LNs, Dr John McAdams himself!!
DOES THIS MATTER? 26)..Fibers from Oswald's shirt on his MC rifle.. According to the Warren Report: "In a crevice between the butt plate of the rifle and the wooden stock was a tuft of several cotton fibers."
27)..Oswald was in TSBD;
28)..Autopsy claims the bullet hole in skull was beveled inward which is not always proof; but it was the autopsy finding. .
29)..Oswald erratic, ill-planned "escape" from TSBD: Bus,
departure from bus, transfer to cab, cab driver instructed
to drop off Oswald several blocks south of his boarding
house at 1026. (No accomplices to Oswald TSBD departure.)
DOES THIS MATTER? 30)..Oswald resists arrest at TT; fights Police, and pulls a
DOES THIS MATTER? 31)..Oswald cannot explain Hidell ID found on him at arrest.
DOES THIS MATTER? #32)..Oswald claims his head cut & pasted on (the entire
series) of Back Yard photo(s) taken by Marina - (Another lie.)
DOES THIS MATTER? #33).. Marina's account of the blanket, rifle, etc., casts
Oswald in an even more incriminating light.
DOES THIS MATTER? #34)... Oswald had the *opportunity* He was seen on the 6F
earlier that day at around noon by fellow worker Charles Givens. Although Givens did not see the SN, he was in this area.
DOES THIS MATTER? #35)... All 3 spent cartridges matched Oswald’s rifle.
DOES THIS MATTER? #36)...Oswald had the *motive* Oswald was pro-Cuba. He
perceived Kennedy to be anti-Cuba.
..Observations by very advanced JFK expert Dr Chad Zimmerman follow>
DOES THIS MATTER? #37). ..left his wedding ring and most of his money on the dresser, ..Observations by very advanced JFK expert Dr Chad Zimmerman follow>
..Observations by very advanced JFK expert Dr Chad Zimmerman follow>
DOES THIS MATTER? #38)...Oswald left with a long brwn bulky package, then went to work.
39). . .Shots rang out from the building he worked at, Oswald fled the scene...
#40)...and the gun Oswald is pictured with is found with his palm print on it.
DOES THIS MATTER? #41)… NOT ONE EYE WITNESS can vouch for Oswald's presence during the shooting (Except Howard Brennan) ~~Submitted by ***Chris Eddy***

Why, out of all the days of his life, did Oswald pick this particular day to shoot and kill a Dallas police officer, in full view of witnesses, unless he was in flight from another crime? ~~Submitted by Aaron Hammonds
DOES THIS MATTER? #43)… Oswald's former landlady saw him wearing the same shirt of which fibers consistent with were found in the butt plate of the rifle. ~~Submitted by Dr Chad Zimmerman
2016-07-12 20:37:34 UTC
Post by Maggsy
1) 3 shots; 3 spent cartridges at 6FSN which each matched Oswald’s Mannlicher Carcano. .
2) Three 5th floor ear witnesses hear 3 loud shots
near them.
3) Reports of 5th floor ceiling debris falling in
the hair.
4) Also reported from the 5th floor was the
possible sound of spent shells hitting above.
5) A man at least similar in appearance to Oswald
or shooter is seen on 6th floor with weapon by
Brennan. Brennan later identified Oswald but the WC listed his testimony as “probative” stopping short of a positive ID until later when he was out of danger. .
5a) Oswald palm print on his Mannlicher Carcano rifle.
5b) Oswald seen on 6F SN area minutes before 12:30 shots.
6) Oswald's MC rifle found on 6F of TSBD where SN was.
7) Oswald prints on SN box.
8) Oswald print on brown paper bag.
9) Ballistics tests *match* Oswald's rifle to ce399 and ce567 and ce569

10) Rifle on sixth floor proven to be purchased by Oswald.
///- -
11)Rifle (murder weapon) sent to Hidell/Marina PO Box.
12)Hidell ID found on Oswald at TT.
13)Oswald pulled pistol on Police at TT after entering without
14)That pistol exclusively linked to Tippit slaying.
15) ….No less than 10 eyewitnesses either see Oswald shoot Tippit
or see him leaving the murder scene.
16)….Oswald told the Dallas Police department he "did not own a gun." (A lie.)
17)Oswald could not effectively explain to Police why he took pistol to TT.
18)Oswald went to Paine's on Thursday rather than Friday.
19)Oswald took long brown bulky paper bag to work with him on 11-22-63AM.
20)….Both Frazier & Randall confirm seeing Oswald with a long bulky brown bag on 11-22-63 morning.
21)Oswald told Frazier long brown paper bag contained curtain rods.*
22)Curtain rods never found.*
23)Oswald denies to DPD that he ever told Frazier he had
"curtain rods" in long brown bag.*
24)Oswald denies both Frazier's long brown paper bag account,
as well as his "curtain rod" story.*DOES THIS MATTER? 25)..Fibers from Paine garage blanket found in/on brown paper
DOES THIS MATTER? 25a).. No explanation of who (other than Oswald) could
or WOULD have taken his rifle from the Paine garage. This is one of the *best* questions. I got it from the Godfather of LNs, Dr John McAdams himself!!
DOES THIS MATTER? 26)..Fibers from Oswald's shirt on his MC rifle.. According to the Warren Report: "In a crevice between the butt plate of the rifle and the wooden stock was a tuft of several cotton fibers."
27)..Oswald was in TSBD;
28)..Autopsy claims the bullet hole in skull was beveled inward which is not always proof; but it was the autopsy finding. .
29)..Oswald erratic, ill-planned "escape" from TSBD: Bus,
departure from bus, transfer to cab, cab driver instructed
to drop off Oswald several blocks south of his boarding
house at 1026. (No accomplices to Oswald TSBD departure.)
DOES THIS MATTER? 30)..Oswald resists arrest at TT; fights Police, and pulls a
DOES THIS MATTER? 31)..Oswald cannot explain Hidell ID found on him at arrest.
DOES THIS MATTER? #32)..Oswald claims his head cut & pasted on (the entire
series) of Back Yard photo(s) taken by Marina - (Another lie.)
DOES THIS MATTER? #33).. Marina's account of the blanket, rifle, etc., casts
Oswald in an even more incriminating light.
DOES THIS MATTER? #34)... Oswald had the *opportunity* He was seen on the 6F
earlier that day at around noon by fellow worker Charles Givens. Although Givens did not see the SN, he was in this area.
DOES THIS MATTER? #35)... All 3 spent cartridges matched Oswald’s rifle.
DOES THIS MATTER? #36)...Oswald had the *motive* Oswald was pro-Cuba. He
perceived Kennedy to be anti-Cuba.
..Observations by very advanced JFK expert Dr Chad Zimmerman follow>
DOES THIS MATTER? #37). ..left his wedding ring and most of his money on the dresser, ..Observations by very advanced JFK expert Dr Chad Zimmerman follow>
..Observations by very advanced JFK expert Dr Chad Zimmerman follow>
DOES THIS MATTER? #38)...Oswald left with a long brwn bulky package, then went to work.
39). . .Shots rang out from the building he worked at, Oswald fled the scene...
#40)...and the gun Oswald is pictured with is found with his palm print on it.
DOES THIS MATTER? #41)… NOT ONE EYE WITNESS can vouch for Oswald's presence during the shooting (Except Howard Brennan) ~~Submitted by ***Chris Eddy***
Why, out of all the days of his life, did Oswald pick this particular day to shoot and kill a Dallas police officer, in full view of witnesses, unless he was in flight from another crime? ~~Submitted by Aaron Hammonds
DOES THIS MATTER? #43)… Oswald's former landlady saw him wearing the same shirt of which fibers consistent with were found in the butt plate of the rifle. ~~Submitted by Dr Chad Zimmerman
Who the fudge cares? Does it matter a rat's ass after almost 53 years if Oswald killed Tippit, or shot at JFK? The head shot with all the accumulative evidence at Z313 has to be a minimum of 99.9 originating from the GK. The SBT is 1000 per cent false.
2016-07-13 15:17:29 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Maggsy
1) 3 shots; 3 spent cartridges at 6FSN which each matched Oswald’s Mannlicher Carcano. .
2) Three 5th floor ear witnesses hear 3 loud shots
near them.
3) Reports of 5th floor ceiling debris falling in
the hair.
4) Also reported from the 5th floor was the
possible sound of spent shells hitting above.
5) A man at least similar in appearance to Oswald
or shooter is seen on 6th floor with weapon by
Brennan. Brennan later identified Oswald but the WC listed his testimony as “probative” stopping short of a positive ID until later when he was out of danger. .
5a) Oswald palm print on his Mannlicher Carcano rifle.
5b) Oswald seen on 6F SN area minutes before 12:30 shots.
6) Oswald's MC rifle found on 6F of TSBD where SN was.
7) Oswald prints on SN box.
8) Oswald print on brown paper bag.
9) Ballistics tests *match* Oswald's rifle to ce399 and ce567 and ce569

10) Rifle on sixth floor proven to be purchased by Oswald.
///- -
11)Rifle (murder weapon) sent to Hidell/Marina PO Box.
12)Hidell ID found on Oswald at TT.
13)Oswald pulled pistol on Police at TT after entering without
14)That pistol exclusively linked to Tippit slaying.
15) ….No less than 10 eyewitnesses either see Oswald shoot Tippit
or see him leaving the murder scene.
16)….Oswald told the Dallas Police department he "did not own a gun." (A lie.)
17)Oswald could not effectively explain to Police why he took pistol to TT.
18)Oswald went to Paine's on Thursday rather than Friday.
19)Oswald took long brown bulky paper bag to work with him on 11-22-63AM.
20)….Both Frazier & Randall confirm seeing Oswald with a long bulky brown bag on 11-22-63 morning.
21)Oswald told Frazier long brown paper bag contained curtain rods.*
22)Curtain rods never found.*
23)Oswald denies to DPD that he ever told Frazier he had
"curtain rods" in long brown bag.*
24)Oswald denies both Frazier's long brown paper bag account,
as well as his "curtain rod" story.*DOES THIS MATTER? 25)..Fibers from Paine garage blanket found in/on brown paper
DOES THIS MATTER? 25a).. No explanation of who (other than Oswald) could
or WOULD have taken his rifle from the Paine garage. This is one of the *best* questions. I got it from the Godfather of LNs, Dr John McAdams himself!!
DOES THIS MATTER? 26)..Fibers from Oswald's shirt on his MC rifle.. According to the Warren Report: "In a crevice between the butt plate of the rifle and the wooden stock was a tuft of several cotton fibers."
27)..Oswald was in TSBD;
28)..Autopsy claims the bullet hole in skull was beveled inward which is not always proof; but it was the autopsy finding. .
29)..Oswald erratic, ill-planned "escape" from TSBD: Bus,
departure from bus, transfer to cab, cab driver instructed
to drop off Oswald several blocks south of his boarding
house at 1026. (No accomplices to Oswald TSBD departure.)
DOES THIS MATTER? 30)..Oswald resists arrest at TT; fights Police, and pulls a
DOES THIS MATTER? 31)..Oswald cannot explain Hidell ID found on him at arrest.
DOES THIS MATTER? #32)..Oswald claims his head cut & pasted on (the entire
series) of Back Yard photo(s) taken by Marina - (Another lie.)
DOES THIS MATTER? #33).. Marina's account of the blanket, rifle, etc., casts
Oswald in an even more incriminating light.
DOES THIS MATTER? #34)... Oswald had the *opportunity* He was seen on the 6F
earlier that day at around noon by fellow worker Charles Givens. Although Givens did not see the SN, he was in this area.
DOES THIS MATTER? #35)... All 3 spent cartridges matched Oswald’s rifle.
DOES THIS MATTER? #36)...Oswald had the *motive* Oswald was pro-Cuba. He
perceived Kennedy to be anti-Cuba.
..Observations by very advanced JFK expert Dr Chad Zimmerman follow>
DOES THIS MATTER? #37). ..left his wedding ring and most of his money on the dresser, ..Observations by very advanced JFK expert Dr Chad Zimmerman follow>
..Observations by very advanced JFK expert Dr Chad Zimmerman follow>
DOES THIS MATTER? #38)...Oswald left with a long brwn bulky package, then went to work.
39). . .Shots rang out from the building he worked at, Oswald fled the scene...
#40)...and the gun Oswald is pictured with is found with his palm print on it.
DOES THIS MATTER? #41)… NOT ONE EYE WITNESS can vouch for Oswald's presence during the shooting (Except Howard Brennan) ~~Submitted by ***Chris Eddy***
Why, out of all the days of his life, did Oswald pick this particular day to shoot and kill a Dallas police officer, in full view of witnesses, unless he was in flight from another crime? ~~Submitted by Aaron Hammonds
DOES THIS MATTER? #43)… Oswald's former landlady saw him wearing the same shirt of which fibers consistent with were found in the butt plate of the rifle. ~~Submitted by Dr Chad Zimmerman
Who the fudge cares? Does it matter a rat's ass after almost 53 years if Oswald killed Tippit, or shot at JFK? The head shot with all the accumulative evidence at Z313 has to be a minimum of 99.9 originating from the GK. The SBT is 1000 per cent false.
roughly translated,i'm going to ignore the evidence and write some random nonsense and contradict myself. thats why i now believe Oswald acted alone.
2016-07-13 20:19:44 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Maggsy
1) 3 shots; 3 spent cartridges at 6FSN which each matched Oswald’s Mannlicher Carcano. .
2) Three 5th floor ear witnesses hear 3 loud shots
near them.
3) Reports of 5th floor ceiling debris falling in
the hair.
4) Also reported from the 5th floor was the
possible sound of spent shells hitting above.
5) A man at least similar in appearance to Oswald
or shooter is seen on 6th floor with weapon by
Brennan. Brennan later identified Oswald but the WC listed his testimony as “probative” stopping short of a positive ID until later when he was out of danger. .
5a) Oswald palm print on his Mannlicher Carcano rifle.
5b) Oswald seen on 6F SN area minutes before 12:30 shots.
6) Oswald's MC rifle found on 6F of TSBD where SN was.
7) Oswald prints on SN box.
8) Oswald print on brown paper bag.
9) Ballistics tests *match* Oswald's rifle to ce399 and ce567 and ce569

10) Rifle on sixth floor proven to be purchased by Oswald.
///- -
11)Rifle (murder weapon) sent to Hidell/Marina PO Box.
12)Hidell ID found on Oswald at TT.
13)Oswald pulled pistol on Police at TT after entering without
14)That pistol exclusively linked to Tippit slaying.
15) ….No less than 10 eyewitnesses either see Oswald shoot Tippit
or see him leaving the murder scene.
16)….Oswald told the Dallas Police department he "did not own a gun." (A lie.)
17)Oswald could not effectively explain to Police why he took pistol to TT.
18)Oswald went to Paine's on Thursday rather than Friday.
19)Oswald took long brown bulky paper bag to work with him on 11-22-63AM.
20)….Both Frazier & Randall confirm seeing Oswald with a long bulky brown bag on 11-22-63 morning.
21)Oswald told Frazier long brown paper bag contained curtain rods.*
22)Curtain rods never found.*
23)Oswald denies to DPD that he ever told Frazier he had
"curtain rods" in long brown bag.*
24)Oswald denies both Frazier's long brown paper bag account,
as well as his "curtain rod" story.*DOES THIS MATTER? 25)..Fibers from Paine garage blanket found in/on brown paper
DOES THIS MATTER? 25a).. No explanation of who (other than Oswald) could
or WOULD have taken his rifle from the Paine garage. This is one of the *best* questions. I got it from the Godfather of LNs, Dr John McAdams himself!!
DOES THIS MATTER? 26)..Fibers from Oswald's shirt on his MC rifle.. According to the Warren Report: "In a crevice between the butt plate of the rifle and the wooden stock was a tuft of several cotton fibers."
27)..Oswald was in TSBD;
28)..Autopsy claims the bullet hole in skull was beveled inward which is not always proof; but it was the autopsy finding. .
29)..Oswald erratic, ill-planned "escape" from TSBD: Bus,
departure from bus, transfer to cab, cab driver instructed
to drop off Oswald several blocks south of his boarding
house at 1026. (No accomplices to Oswald TSBD departure.)
DOES THIS MATTER? 30)..Oswald resists arrest at TT; fights Police, and pulls a
DOES THIS MATTER? 31)..Oswald cannot explain Hidell ID found on him at arrest.
DOES THIS MATTER? #32)..Oswald claims his head cut & pasted on (the entire
series) of Back Yard photo(s) taken by Marina - (Another lie.)
DOES THIS MATTER? #33).. Marina's account of the blanket, rifle, etc., casts
Oswald in an even more incriminating light.
DOES THIS MATTER? #34)... Oswald had the *opportunity* He was seen on the 6F
earlier that day at around noon by fellow worker Charles Givens. Although Givens did not see the SN, he was in this area.
DOES THIS MATTER? #35)... All 3 spent cartridges matched Oswald’s rifle.
DOES THIS MATTER? #36)...Oswald had the *motive* Oswald was pro-Cuba. He
perceived Kennedy to be anti-Cuba.
..Observations by very advanced JFK expert Dr Chad Zimmerman follow>
DOES THIS MATTER? #37). ..left his wedding ring and most of his money on the dresser, ..Observations by very advanced JFK expert Dr Chad Zimmerman follow>
..Observations by very advanced JFK expert Dr Chad Zimmerman follow>
DOES THIS MATTER? #38)...Oswald left with a long brwn bulky package, then went to work.
39). . .Shots rang out from the building he worked at, Oswald fled the scene...
#40)...and the gun Oswald is pictured with is found with his palm print on it.
DOES THIS MATTER? #41)… NOT ONE EYE WITNESS can vouch for Oswald's presence during the shooting (Except Howard Brennan) ~~Submitted by ***Chris Eddy***
Why, out of all the days of his life, did Oswald pick this particular day to shoot and kill a Dallas police officer, in full view of witnesses, unless he was in flight from another crime? ~~Submitted by Aaron Hammonds
DOES THIS MATTER? #43)… Oswald's former landlady saw him wearing the same shirt of which fibers consistent with were found in the butt plate of the rifle. ~~Submitted by Dr Chad Zimmerman
Who the fudge cares? Does it matter a rat's ass after almost 53 years if Oswald killed Tippit, or shot at JFK? The head shot with all the accumulative evidence at Z313 has to be a minimum of 99.9 originating from the GK. The SBT is 1000 per cent false.
Just one question: if the head shot came from the GK and exited the rear/back of JFK's head then how did the brain material and blood from JFK's head land in front of JFK and on the Conallys, Greer, Kellerman, the interior of the limo, the windshield and the hood?

How does material exit the back of the head and land in front of JFK?

I won't even mention the Z-film the x-rays and photos, the autopsy et cetera.
2016-07-20 15:38:20 UTC
Post by Maggsy
1) 3 shots; 3 spent cartridges at 6FSN which each matched Oswald’s Mannlicher Carcano. .
2) Three 5th floor ear witnesses hear 3 loud shots
near them.
3) Reports of 5th floor ceiling debris falling in
the hair.
4) Also reported from the 5th floor was the
possible sound of spent shells hitting above.
5) A man at least similar in appearance to Oswald
or shooter is seen on 6th floor with weapon by
Brennan. Brennan later identified Oswald but the WC listed his testimony as “probative” stopping short of a positive ID until later when he was out of danger. .
5a) Oswald palm print on his Mannlicher Carcano rifle.
5b) Oswald seen on 6F SN area minutes before 12:30 shots.
6) Oswald's MC rifle found on 6F of TSBD where SN was.
7) Oswald prints on SN box.
8) Oswald print on brown paper bag.
9) Ballistics tests *match* Oswald's rifle to ce399 and ce567 and ce569

10) Rifle on sixth floor proven to be purchased by Oswald.
///- -
11)Rifle (murder weapon) sent to Hidell/Marina PO Box.
12)Hidell ID found on Oswald at TT.
13)Oswald pulled pistol on Police at TT after entering without
14)That pistol exclusively linked to Tippit slaying.
15) ….No less than 10 eyewitnesses either see Oswald shoot Tippit
or see him leaving the murder scene.
16)….Oswald told the Dallas Police department he "did not own a gun." (A lie.)
17)Oswald could not effectively explain to Police why he took pistol to TT.
18)Oswald went to Paine's on Thursday rather than Friday.
19)Oswald took long brown bulky paper bag to work with him on 11-22-63AM.
20)….Both Frazier & Randall confirm seeing Oswald with a long bulky brown bag on 11-22-63 morning.
21)Oswald told Frazier long brown paper bag contained curtain rods.*
22)Curtain rods never found.*
23)Oswald denies to DPD that he ever told Frazier he had
"curtain rods" in long brown bag.*
24)Oswald denies both Frazier's long brown paper bag account,
as well as his "curtain rod" story.*DOES THIS MATTER? 25)..Fibers from Paine garage blanket found in/on brown paper
DOES THIS MATTER? 25a).. No explanation of who (other than Oswald) could
or WOULD have taken his rifle from the Paine garage. This is one of the *best* questions. I got it from the Godfather of LNs, Dr John McAdams himself!!
DOES THIS MATTER? 26)..Fibers from Oswald's shirt on his MC rifle.. According to the Warren Report: "In a crevice between the butt plate of the rifle and the wooden stock was a tuft of several cotton fibers."
27)..Oswald was in TSBD;
28)..Autopsy claims the bullet hole in skull was beveled inward which is not always proof; but it was the autopsy finding. .
29)..Oswald erratic, ill-planned "escape" from TSBD: Bus,
departure from bus, transfer to cab, cab driver instructed
to drop off Oswald several blocks south of his boarding
house at 1026. (No accomplices to Oswald TSBD departure.)
DOES THIS MATTER? 30)..Oswald resists arrest at TT; fights Police, and pulls a
DOES THIS MATTER? 31)..Oswald cannot explain Hidell ID found on him at arrest.
DOES THIS MATTER? #32)..Oswald claims his head cut & pasted on (the entire
series) of Back Yard photo(s) taken by Marina - (Another lie.)
DOES THIS MATTER? #33).. Marina's account of the blanket, rifle, etc., casts
Oswald in an even more incriminating light.
DOES THIS MATTER? #34)... Oswald had the *opportunity* He was seen on the 6F
earlier that day at around noon by fellow worker Charles Givens. Although Givens did not see the SN, he was in this area.
DOES THIS MATTER? #35)... All 3 spent cartridges matched Oswald’s rifle.
DOES THIS MATTER? #36)...Oswald had the *motive* Oswald was pro-Cuba. He
perceived Kennedy to be anti-Cuba.
..Observations by very advanced JFK expert Dr Chad Zimmerman follow>
DOES THIS MATTER? #37). ..left his wedding ring and most of his money on the dresser, ..Observations by very advanced JFK expert Dr Chad Zimmerman follow>
..Observations by very advanced JFK expert Dr Chad Zimmerman follow>
DOES THIS MATTER? #38)...Oswald left with a long brwn bulky package, then went to work.
39). . .Shots rang out from the building he worked at, Oswald fled the scene...
#40)...and the gun Oswald is pictured with is found with his palm print on it.
DOES THIS MATTER? #41)… NOT ONE EYE WITNESS can vouch for Oswald's presence during the shooting (Except Howard Brennan) ~~Submitted by ***Chris Eddy***
Why, out of all the days of his life, did Oswald pick this particular day to shoot and kill a Dallas police officer, in full view of witnesses, unless he was in flight from another crime? ~~Submitted by Aaron Hammonds
DOES THIS MATTER? #43)… Oswald's former landlady saw him wearing the same shirt of which fibers consistent with were found in the butt plate of the rifle. ~~Submitted by Dr Chad Zimmerman
Come on Steve-Hargis was hit so hard that he thought he was shot. How the hell does that happen from a shot from the rear? The blood on JFK's shirt is all down his back,where is the blood exiting the throat? Jackie was reaching for and grabbed a portion of his skull on the rear of the limo,obviously from a frontal shot which she handed to P. Jenkins at Parkland.
donald willis
2016-07-21 00:06:44 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Maggsy
1) 3 shots; 3 spent cartridges at 6FSN which each matched Oswald’s Mannlicher Carcano. .
2) Three 5th floor ear witnesses hear 3 loud shots
near them.
3) Reports of 5th floor ceiling debris falling in
the hair.
4) Also reported from the 5th floor was the
possible sound of spent shells hitting above.
5) A man at least similar in appearance to Oswald
or shooter is seen on 6th floor with weapon by
Brennan. Brennan later identified Oswald but the WC listed his testimony as “probative” stopping short of a positive ID until later when he was out of danger. .
5a) Oswald palm print on his Mannlicher Carcano rifle.
5b) Oswald seen on 6F SN area minutes before 12:30 shots.
6) Oswald's MC rifle found on 6F of TSBD where SN was.
7) Oswald prints on SN box.
8) Oswald print on brown paper bag.
9) Ballistics tests *match* Oswald's rifle to ce399 and ce567 and ce569

10) Rifle on sixth floor proven to be purchased by Oswald.
///- -
11)Rifle (murder weapon) sent to Hidell/Marina PO Box.
12)Hidell ID found on Oswald at TT.
13)Oswald pulled pistol on Police at TT after entering without
14)That pistol exclusively linked to Tippit slaying.
15) ….No less than 10 eyewitnesses either see Oswald shoot Tippit
or see him leaving the murder scene.
16)….Oswald told the Dallas Police department he "did not own a gun." (A lie.)
17)Oswald could not effectively explain to Police why he took pistol to TT.
18)Oswald went to Paine's on Thursday rather than Friday.
19)Oswald took long brown bulky paper bag to work with him on 11-22-63AM.
20)….Both Frazier & Randall confirm seeing Oswald with a long bulky brown bag on 11-22-63 morning.
21)Oswald told Frazier long brown paper bag contained curtain rods.*
22)Curtain rods never found.*
23)Oswald denies to DPD that he ever told Frazier he had
"curtain rods" in long brown bag.*
24)Oswald denies both Frazier's long brown paper bag account,
as well as his "curtain rod" story.*DOES THIS MATTER? 25)..Fibers from Paine garage blanket found in/on brown paper
DOES THIS MATTER? 25a).. No explanation of who (other than Oswald) could
or WOULD have taken his rifle from the Paine garage. This is one of the *best* questions. I got it from the Godfather of LNs, Dr John McAdams himself!!
DOES THIS MATTER? 26)..Fibers from Oswald's shirt on his MC rifle.. According to the Warren Report: "In a crevice between the butt plate of the rifle and the wooden stock was a tuft of several cotton fibers."
27)..Oswald was in TSBD;
28)..Autopsy claims the bullet hole in skull was beveled inward which is not always proof; but it was the autopsy finding. .
29)..Oswald erratic, ill-planned "escape" from TSBD: Bus,
departure from bus, transfer to cab, cab driver instructed
to drop off Oswald several blocks south of his boarding
house at 1026. (No accomplices to Oswald TSBD departure.)
DOES THIS MATTER? 30)..Oswald resists arrest at TT; fights Police, and pulls a
DOES THIS MATTER? 31)..Oswald cannot explain Hidell ID found on him at arrest.
DOES THIS MATTER? #32)..Oswald claims his head cut & pasted on (the entire
series) of Back Yard photo(s) taken by Marina - (Another lie.)
DOES THIS MATTER? #33).. Marina's account of the blanket, rifle, etc., casts
Oswald in an even more incriminating light.
DOES THIS MATTER? #34)... Oswald had the *opportunity* He was seen on the 6F
earlier that day at around noon by fellow worker Charles Givens. Although Givens did not see the SN, he was in this area.
DOES THIS MATTER? #35)... All 3 spent cartridges matched Oswald’s rifle.
DOES THIS MATTER? #36)...Oswald had the *motive* Oswald was pro-Cuba. He
perceived Kennedy to be anti-Cuba.
..Observations by very advanced JFK expert Dr Chad Zimmerman follow>
DOES THIS MATTER? #37). ..left his wedding ring and most of his money on the dresser, ..Observations by very advanced JFK expert Dr Chad Zimmerman follow>
..Observations by very advanced JFK expert Dr Chad Zimmerman follow>
DOES THIS MATTER? #38)...Oswald left with a long brwn bulky package, then went to work.
39). . .Shots rang out from the building he worked at, Oswald fled the scene...
#40)...and the gun Oswald is pictured with is found with his palm print on it.
DOES THIS MATTER? #41)… NOT ONE EYE WITNESS can vouch for Oswald's presence during the shooting (Except Howard Brennan) ~~Submitted by ***Chris Eddy***
Why, out of all the days of his life, did Oswald pick this particular day to shoot and kill a Dallas police officer, in full view of witnesses, unless he was in flight from another crime? ~~Submitted by Aaron Hammonds
DOES THIS MATTER? #43)… Oswald's former landlady saw him wearing the same shirt of which fibers consistent with were found in the butt plate of the rifle. ~~Submitted by Dr Chad Zimmerman
Come on Steve-Hargis was hit so hard that he thought he was shot. How the hell does that happen from a shot from the rear?
I was going to say.... Maybe Hargis was in shock after that, and that's why he didn't remember making that 12:34 call to the dispatcher....


The blood on JFK's shirt is all down his back,where is the blood exiting the throat? Jackie was reaching for and grabbed a portion of his skull on the rear of the limo,obviously from a frontal shot which she handed to P. Jenkins at Parkland.
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