Post by curtjester1Post by SecretServiceguyRELATED: THAT WAS HER UNCLE (e-mail from former Secret Service agent
Don Cox, on Clinton's detail, toVincePalamara)!!
Rodham, Wade J.
Member of Inauguration Detail for JFK, January 20, 1961;
SAIC of Kennedy Residence in Atoka–Middleburg, Virginia;
up to at least LBJ era;
mentioned in Dorman’s book and Youngblood’s book regarding V.P. Nixon,
Caracas, May 13, 1958 (*****************Rodham was one of the agents
given an award for protecitng Nixon, while Hillary worked towards his
impeachment LOL!!!***************);
pictured on p. 64 of AFAUSSS book (1991).
Deceased 1983.
(now you know why the Secret Service facinates me) ;-)
What fascinated me even more was that there was an endorsement by
'you' in regards the Buglosi tome. Of course it bewilders anyone that
one would do that for real, when one has written on the Secret Service
lapses and gave a five star rating to the Murder in Dealey Plaza where
your work is appreciated and tells of the SS and all the Doug Weldon
By VincePalamara(Pittsburgh, PA) - See all my reviews
I am very, very impressed with this book---easily in my top 5 of all
time on this important case (along with "Bloody Treason", "Cover Up"
by Galanor, "Treachery In Dallas", & "The Warren Omission"); perhaps
THE best single volume to deal with the JFK assassination (ALL the
hard evidence of conspiracy from the newly-released ARRB government
documents & testimony, especially as it relates to the medical
evidence)! Fetzer's first volume ("Assassination Science") was good
but this is light years ahead of that tome. For starters, this volume
appeals to the novice and the jaded expert, complete with a fantastic
chronology of November 22, 1963 that succeeds in bringing everyone up
to speed while providing fascinating new and/ or overlooked details of
the crime. There are three MAJOR medical evidence sections of this
book [by Drs. Aguilar & Mantik, as well as Horne from the ARRB]that
contain the HARD evidence of conspiracy and coverup (comprehensive and
amazing in every detail), as well as a very thoughtful analysis of the
state of the case in the (blinded)eyes of history (and historians).
Finally, there are powerful chapters dealing with the limousine and
the role of the Secret Service that will truly enlighten and inform
(and they make appropriate companions to the medical evidence
chapters), along with a couple other surprises. Highly recommended
reading: buy it asap! Help other customers find the most helpful
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Tell me if you possibly endorse Bugliosi's, Reclaiming America, can
you tell us where you went wrong in endorsing the above books?
TY, CJ- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
the times. For example, before June 1994, O.J. Simpson was a cool
was a relatively popular president; etc. etc. etc. ad naseum
as it pains me to admit, Oswald beat those men to the punch. And, as I
EITHER way. :) There's your answer.