Notice that Howard Brennan circled only ONE single window on the 5th floor, and put Norman and Jarman in that same single window . And it was a window CLOSED at 12:30pm 11/22/63. His A (sniper) and B (Norman, Jarman) circling is very specific--one window for the latter, TWO for the sniper. Why did he allot two windows to the sniper? It could be the key to the whole shebang...
Brennan was a terrible witness.
Not only was he wrong about the number of windows, he was also wrong about the location of the window where he saw Jarman and Norman.
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He was also wrong about how many men were in the lineup he viewed. He testified there were "possibly seven, more or less one". ( 3 H 147 )
There were four.
He also testified that the man in the window was standing while shooting ( 3 H 144 ), a physical impossibility.
Brennan was so bad a witness that the Warren Commission could not use his testimony to conclude Oswald fired from the window, ( Report, pg. 145-146 )
but that didn't stop them from describing him as "an accurrate observer ". ( ibid., pg. 145 )
What a joke.