Chuck Schuyler
2023-11-08 06:47:02 UTC
It looks like your questions have been answered, but none of them have been answered TO YOUR SATISFACTION, correct? Some of the answers are snarky, some of the answers are detailed, with links to WC testimony, but no doubt the answers are not to your satisfaction.
Let's start with the basic understanding that there are no answers to your hobby point gotchas which will ever satisfy you.
I can answer all of your hobby point gotchas quite easily, but they won't be answered to your satisfaction because YOU are the director, producer, actor, ticket taker, script writer, projectionist, concession stand operator, etc. for your very own JFK conspiracy drama production, and to answer the questions to your satisfaction puts the director, producer, actor, ticket taker, script writer, projectionist, concession stand operator, etc. of business, and let's face it: you're not going to put yourself out of business.
Anyways, here are the answers to your hobby points that you're going to get from me. I'm not going to answer you as you demand, but that's tough luck for you.
ALL of your questions revolve around a few things, repeated ad nauseam by you and your fellow JFK conspiracy hobbyists over the decades.
1.) Your questions are begged. You embed assumptions that haven't been established into the questions.
2.) Your questions are based on trivia. Concerning Oswald's jacket, what would it matter about where he purchased it or if he got it used or found it somewhere?
3.) Your questions revolve around what conspiracy-smasher Jay Utah at the International Skeptics Forum calls a "Fringe Reset," which refers to the constant repetition by JFK conspiracy hobbyists of questions and charges that have been addressed ENDLESSLY (although as I noted, not addressed to your satisfaction) and re-presented over and over, decade after decade, as if the questions are fresh or new. They're not. You RESET the argument from the FRINGE.
4.) Your questions are straw man arguments.
5.) Your questions shift the burden. Research your own questions and present your findings and your critics will weigh in. Have you ever reached out to any 1960s era retired Dallas cops to ask about those evidence forms? No? Ask yourself why you are this lazy if this is a question so important to you. Work. Pick up a phone. Write an email.
There are more logical fallacies you use when constructing your hobby points, but those are the main ones I see. If you want better answers, ask better questions. To ask better questions, remove the fallacies I noted above.
I have now answered all of your question in one fell swoop and with just a few paragraphs. Did I answer them individually as you wished? No. Did you learn anything? No. Did I answer any of them TO YOUR SATISFACTION? No. That's because no answers will ever satisfy you. Ever.
You asked, I answered. But not to your satisfaction.
Now what? Shelve the questions and haul them out a few days/weeks/months later?
Let's start with the basic understanding that there are no answers to your hobby point gotchas which will ever satisfy you.
I can answer all of your hobby point gotchas quite easily, but they won't be answered to your satisfaction because YOU are the director, producer, actor, ticket taker, script writer, projectionist, concession stand operator, etc. for your very own JFK conspiracy drama production, and to answer the questions to your satisfaction puts the director, producer, actor, ticket taker, script writer, projectionist, concession stand operator, etc. of business, and let's face it: you're not going to put yourself out of business.
Anyways, here are the answers to your hobby points that you're going to get from me. I'm not going to answer you as you demand, but that's tough luck for you.
ALL of your questions revolve around a few things, repeated ad nauseam by you and your fellow JFK conspiracy hobbyists over the decades.
1.) Your questions are begged. You embed assumptions that haven't been established into the questions.
2.) Your questions are based on trivia. Concerning Oswald's jacket, what would it matter about where he purchased it or if he got it used or found it somewhere?
3.) Your questions revolve around what conspiracy-smasher Jay Utah at the International Skeptics Forum calls a "Fringe Reset," which refers to the constant repetition by JFK conspiracy hobbyists of questions and charges that have been addressed ENDLESSLY (although as I noted, not addressed to your satisfaction) and re-presented over and over, decade after decade, as if the questions are fresh or new. They're not. You RESET the argument from the FRINGE.
4.) Your questions are straw man arguments.
5.) Your questions shift the burden. Research your own questions and present your findings and your critics will weigh in. Have you ever reached out to any 1960s era retired Dallas cops to ask about those evidence forms? No? Ask yourself why you are this lazy if this is a question so important to you. Work. Pick up a phone. Write an email.
There are more logical fallacies you use when constructing your hobby points, but those are the main ones I see. If you want better answers, ask better questions. To ask better questions, remove the fallacies I noted above.
I have now answered all of your question in one fell swoop and with just a few paragraphs. Did I answer them individually as you wished? No. Did you learn anything? No. Did I answer any of them TO YOUR SATISFACTION? No. That's because no answers will ever satisfy you. Ever.
You asked, I answered. But not to your satisfaction.
Now what? Shelve the questions and haul them out a few days/weeks/months later?