Post by Gil JesusPost by Hank SienzantPost by Gil JesusPost by Ben HolmesWhile it's cerrtainly possible that it existed in Parkland, it's also
quite reasonable to explain it as part of the pre-autopsy autopsy.
That would *also* explain why it wasn't seen at Parkland.
In 1995, Janie Taylor relayed an allegation told to her by the brother of an African-American orderly
Name of this orderly person? Name of the brother? She wasn't at liberty to reveal any of this? Who is Janie Taylor and why should anyone believe her?
Post by Hank SienzantThis story first surfaces 32 years after the assassination, is hearsay twice removed from the supposed source, and you feel it’s worthy of mention?
You believe Jack Ray Tatum, don't you ?
Post by Hank SienzantYou must not have anything better if you lead with that.
Post by Gil Jesuswho was allegedly present in the autopsy room. Taylor said that, "when the body arrived, many people were forced out of the room and the doctor performed some type of mutilation of the THREE bullet punctures to the head area. The doctor was working at a very "hurried" pace and was done within a few minutes, at which point he left the autopsy room." ( ARRB MD 45 )
And you think this story is credible enough to repeat here?
I said it was an allegation, stupid.
Post by Hank SienzantPost by Gil JesusJerrold Custer told the ARRB that he saw the "flap" pictured in the BOH autopsy photo and said that it "looked as if they had sawed it." ( Custer testimony to ARRB, 10-28-97, pg. 96 )
Where did Custer get his medical degree that he can see sawing that escaped the notice of the HSCA medical panel as well as the three autopsists?
Since when do you need a medical degree to have an opinion ?
Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one. For an opinion to have evidentiary value requires the person rendering he
opinion to have expertise in the field he is offering that opinion. Custer has no such expertise and therefore his opinion has
no evidentiary value.
Post by Gil JesusPost by Hank SienzantThis is the problem inherent throughout the critical literature.
Critics ignore the hard evidence, discard the first hand eyewitness accounts, accept second- or third-hand hearsay, and ignore the actual experts and accept non-expert accounts from decades later.
You mean hard evidence like the wounds tests ?
The wounds tests are evidence. Your interpretation of them is not.
Post by Gil JesusYou mean hard evidence like the rifle tests ?
The rifle tests are evidence. Your interpretation of them is not.
Post by Gil JesusYou mean discounting first hand witnesses like these ?
Post by Gil JesusYou mean accepting second or third hand hearsay like you do from the Dallas Police, Secret Service and FBI ?
The body of evidence against Oswald doesn't include any of these. There might be examples of these but they are not part
of the body of evidence.
Post by Gil JesusPost by Hank SienzantThis doesn't sound like a bizarre plan to you — shoot JFK from multiple directions, then attempt to frame a lone shooter, and then have to alter or substitute all the evidence that doesn't point to the appointed patsy?
How do you alter the wounds on a living person,
JFK was dead.
Even harder. Wounds on a living person can heal. Not on a dead person. Only a complete idiot would buy into Lifton's loony
theory of body alteration.
Post by Gil Jesusor explain a bullet entry wound in the neck but no exit?
There are examples of bullets being lodged in the throat.
Not examples of bullets fired from a rifle at long distance. Such bullets are going to pass through the neck or strike the spine
paralyzing the victim as happened to MLK. The bullet that struck him went through his jawbone and into his spine.
Post by Gil Jesus
Now you explain us how you can have a transiting bullet without a bullet track through the body.
There was a bullet track through the body, idiot. There was a contusion of the pleura, perforation of the strap muscles, and
damage to the trachea, all in a direct line from the entry wound to the incision on the throat that was made over the exit wound.
Post by Gil JesusOr are you going to "ignore the hard evidence" from your "actual experts" that they couldn't establish one ?
Read Finck's testimony at the Clay Shaw trial. He explained why a probe wouldn't pass easily through the bullet track and why
you don't try to force the probe through the track. The track of the bullet wasn't established through a probe but by opening up
the chest cavity, removing the internal organs, and observing the tissue damage, all of which I listed above.