On Thu, 7 Dec 2023 09:55:16 -0800 (PST), JE Corbett
Post by JE CorbettPost by Gil JesusPost by JE CorbettGiltardo wants us to believe that his imaginary frontal shooter fired a shot
into JFK's throat that made only a shallow penetration. Then he wants us to
believe the same shooter fired a frontal shot into JFK's head that shattered
his skull, caused a massive explosive head wound, splattered blood and
brain tissue everywhere, and blew out the back of JFK's head. Did the shooter
switch guns between shots?
Or maybe Giltardo believes the conspirators placed two shooters in front
of JFK who were never seen by anybody. Maybe the conspiracy was on a
budget and could only afford to equip one of the shooters with a high powered
weapon. The other had to make do with whatever he could come up with, and
that was a Saturday Night Special.
I don't want you to believe anything. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.
In fact, I don't give a flying fuck WHAT you believe.
That's your business.
YOU'RE the one who has a problem with what I believe.
YOU'RE the one calling the names like the small-minded idiot you are.
YOU'RE the one who can't back up what you say with evidence.
YOU'RE the one constantly being caught in lies.
Tell us, in what year can we expect you to post some actual evidence ?
Giltardo, you are the one who wants history rewritten.
This doesn't answer the question. Gil asked you in what year can we
expect you to post some actual evidence.
I would change that to when can we expect you to CITE some evidence.
You keep talking, but you aren't saying anything.
Post by JE CorbettThe burden is therefore on you to
convince a whole lot of other people as to why that should be done.
Nope. Most of America already accepts and believes what we critics
Post by JE CorbettIf that is not your
goal, then just what is it you are trying to accomplish with these never ending questions
you raise but never try to answer.
Simple - to prove you a coward.
Post by JE CorbettI have no case to make. That was already done by the Warren Commission.
They failed. You've failed.
Post by JE CorbettI have looked at their case and found it compelling.
Unfortunately for you, your belief isn't compelling to others.
Post by JE CorbettThey correctly identified Oswald as the assassin and
the murderer of J.D. Tippit.
This is your belief. You can't cite the evidence for this, so who
cares? Your mother???
Post by JE CorbettThose findings have been widely accepted, even by people who
don't believe Oswald was acting alone when he assassinated JFK.
You reference the very polls you don't believe??? What a maroon!
Post by JE CorbettI am perfectly comfortable
with the status quo.
That would be the HSCA.
Post by JE CorbettI have no burden to change anybody's mind.
Nor could you, only the evidence and logical argument can do that.
Post by JE CorbettI really don't care if a few wackos want to believe Oswald was guilty.
Neither do I. I simply laugh at you.
Post by JE CorbettI'm just someone who finds a bit of fiendish pleasure in the death of a President.
Quite the kook, aren't you?
Post by JE CorbettYes, I'm the guy on the beach who keeps taking pictures of little boys.
How many times have you been arrested?