Post by NoTrueFlags HereWhat else can he do? He certainly cannot defend the Official Story. Plus, he has no burden to do that. His burden only is to argue about stupid stuff that doesn't matter, or even mean anything. Yes, Hank is Historically Stupid for spending the last few years of his life arguing about meaningless stupid stuff. Meanwhile, as Hank's wife said, JFK is still dead. Great job, Hank!
Yes. There is is no such thing as "historically guilty."
Because there are no different "types" of guilty.
No one gets convicted of being "historically guilty", "catagorically guilty", "undoubtedly guilty", "partially guilty" or any other word you want to put in front of "guilty".
There's only "guilty".
There are only types of "not guilty", like "not guilty by reason of insanity" or mental illness or mental defect.
But there are no different "types" of guilty.
I asked Chuckles to post the link defining the phrase, "historically guilty" and he could not.
He could not because "historically guilty" is a phrase he invented to label Oswald guilty without being convicted.
It's nonsense coming from a pompous ass who speaks nothing but foolishness.
I'm not surprised that there are other pompous asses who support him.
History cannot determine a person's guilt or innocence.
It can present a case, it can present evidence, it can even express an OPINION, but it cannot CONVICT.
Not in America, only a judge or a jury can do that.
And their argument that because Hitler was never convicted, then he never was responsible of the murder of 6 million Jews during WW II is stupid.
Hitler's role in the Holocaust was revealed during the Nuremberg war TRIALS by witnesses who received orders directly from him.
These assholes seem to think my argument for Oswald's innocence is based on the fact that he never went to trial.
No, my argument is based on:
1. The FACT that the Dallas Police were corrupt.
2. The FACT that Hoover hated JFK and covered up his assassination.
3. The way the authorities handled Oswald.
4. The way the authorities handled the evidence.
5. The way the authorities handled the witnesses.
When you look at how the authorities handled this case, you can see that they weren't handling the case of a suspect who was guilty,
but instead were handling it as if they were trying to frame Oswald for a crime he did not commit.