Post by Gil JesusThere are many questions that I have about this case and I feel compelled to go to a reliable source, the self proclaimed "more knowledgeable" one, Hank Sienzant. I'm sure Hank in his infinite wisdom and knowledge will have no problem answering my questions.
Question # 9 : How did a "Defector" to the Soviet Union get employed during the Cuban Missile Crisis by a company which did Gov't work on U-2 photos ?
John Graef of Jaguars-Chiles-Stovall testified to the process. Oswald was unemployed, and the Texas Unemployment Commission referred Oswald to them as possible candidate. Oswald lied to unemployment, saying he was recently discharged from the Marines. He was interviewed by Graef, made a good impression, and hired as a trainee.
Bob Stovall testified to the type of work they did for the Dept of Defense, and added that Oswald had no access to that area:
== quote ==
Mr. JENNER. What does your company do?
Mr. STOVALL. We are in the typographic services. We serve advertising agencies, advertising departments, and the graphic arts industry as a middle supplier for type services. We also produce newspaper mats for duplication throughout the United States.
Mr. JENNER. Do you do any work for any federal agency?
Mr. STOVALL. Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER. Is it secret or confidential work or classified work of any kind?
Mr. STOVALL. On occasion we do. Most of it is not, but we do on occasion. We are cleared through the Navy Bureau Materiel here, although I believe it now has been incorporated under the Department of Defense as a single unit.
Mr. JENNER. Without disclosing any secrets in that connection or classifications, what is the nature of that work?
Mr. STOVALL Generally speaking, the nature of the work is charting and mapping, and actually all we do is set words, letters, and figures. We have no correlation of what they refer to.
Mr. JENNER. It's charting of coastal areas, sea bottoms, and some land areas or what?
Mr. STOVALL Yes; and some foreign areas, too.
Mr. JENNER. That is, other than continental United States?
Mr. STOVALL. Yes; right.
Mr. JENNER. Was any of this work done in the department or area to which Lee Oswald had access while he was employed by your company?
Mr. STOVALL. Not in the department at all. Whatever secret work we might have been performing, we do it with the persons who had been cleared by the regular procedures and they are the only eyes who view this.
Mr. JENNER. So, anything that is classified is done only by employees of yours who have been cleared by an appropriate Federal agency?
Mr. STOVALL. Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER. And then, I gather that as far as Lee Harvey Oswald is concerned, he had no part in it nor access to any of this work?
Mr. STOVALL. This is correct.
Mr. JENNER. And that your company is at pains to see that no one other than those who are cleared have access to it?
Mr. STOVALL. That is correct.
Mr. JENNER. And that was true while he was working for you?
Mr. STOVALL. Yes. In fact, at such times as we have any secret work going, even at the point of being rude, we see that no one has access to any of this material. I won't say--rude but we strictly enforce it.
Mr. JENNER. Well, you make it pretty firm, which is right?
Mr. STOVALL Right.
== unquote ==
Neither Stovall nor Graef ever said JCS worked on the U-2 project in any fashion. It’s merely a supposition by conspiracy theorists.