Post by Gil JesusYes, I know. He's fat, ugly, bald, and stupid, but all is not lost. He could possibly lose some weight.
I may be fat, but he's ugly and I can lose weight.
Trust me, Giltardo. You aren't going to win any blue ribbons for your looks.
Post by Gil JesusI don't believe there's any hope for him, even after they extricate his nose from Von Pein's ass.
Don't get him started on the "lapel flip".
He's convinced that Connally was told by "someone else" that Kennedy had been shot, but he can't prove it.
I've proven he could have no direct knowledge that JFK had been hit by the first bullet and if he believes that, he had to
have learned it from another source. Despite being prodded several times, you can't tell us any other way he could have
come to that belief.
Post by Gil JesusHe's convinced there was a "bulge" in Connally's coat caused by a bullet, although he can't prove it.
We see JBC's coat bulge out just two frame before both he and JFK react by suddenly flipping their arms upward. A
thinking person would put those two facts together to conclude that the jacket bulge was caused by the same bullet
that caused the reaction by those two men. Of course, that leaves you out because you have no ability to reason. You
have to have every single element proven with 100% certainty to you without looking at it in context with other known
elements, something that rarely happens in real life.
Post by Gil JesusHe's convinced Connally's arm moving upward was caused by a bullet, although he can't prove it.
Just a remarkable coincidence that the arm flip happened just two frames after his jacket suddenly bulged outward.
Stay clueless, Giltardo. That way you can go to your grave without ever knowing who killed JFK, just like people like
Rossley, Weisberg, Marrs, Lane, etc. who went before you. Just like all believers in Oswald's innocence are doomed to do.
Nobody but Oswald will ever be identified as the assassin of JFK, and I will go to my grave with that knowledge, whether I
check out today or thirty years from now.
Post by Gil JesusCorbett believes in things that can't be proven. Speculations made by David Von Pein.
Corbett believes in logical conclusions based on known evidence. Absolute proof of anything is virtually impossible. That's
why our criminal courts don't require proof an accused person's guilt beyond all possible doubt. They only require proof
beyond a reasonable doubt. There can be no reasonable doubt that both men reacted at the same instance, given that
JBC's jacket bulged out at Z224, JFK's right hand was still coming down at Z225, and that at Z226 both men suddenly and
dramatically flipped their arms upward in perfect unison. If there was reasonable doubt, there would be a reasonable
alternative explanation for those actions. No such alternative exists. Since they reacted at the same time, and forensic examiners have all concluded that a bullet entered JFK's back and exited from his throat, and that at Z224, JFK and JBC were perfectly aligned with the location where a shooter was seen firing, and a bullet exiting JFK's throat would have been heading
right toward Connally, there is no reasonable doubt that both men were hit by the same bullet. If there was, there would be a
reasonable alternative explanation taking into account all the above facts. No such alternative exists.
Post by Gil JesusCould Connally's movements have been caused by something other than a bullet ?
Theoretically. But when you take into account all the other known facts, that theoretical possibility vanishes. There is no
reasonable alternative to the SBT that takes into account ALL the available information. Of course, Gilardo never likes to
look at the evidence as a whole. He always wants to look at the pieces of evidence in isolation. He does that because
putting the pieces together requires one to be able to reason and think logically, something Giltardo has admitted he doesn't
believe in doing.
Post by Gil JesusHere's John Connally saying that as the crowds thinned out, he was re-adjusting his seating position.
Of course, Giltardo conveniently takes this clip out of context which would have told us WHEN he adjusted his seat
position. Without even seeing the rest of the clip I would bet dollars to donuts that Connally said he did this BEFORE he heard
the first shot which was about 4 seconds before we see his arm flip. But Giltardo is so anxious to dismiss Connally's sudden
arm flip that he'll use anything he can find, even if he has to cut out the part of Connally's statement that would refute what
Giltardo is suggesting.
Giltardo thinks adjusting his seat position would cause his right arm to suddenly flip up and back down within a half a second.
He thinks that is a reasonable alternative explanation. He thinks it's just a coincidence that the arm flip happened just two
seconds after his jacket bulged out. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt by saying he thinks at all.