Post by Ben HolmesTitle says it all.
If you notice, they never start a thread.
They only respond to threads other people start. And most of those responses do not include evidence.
That's because they don't know the case and they're too lazy to look stuff up.
After the beating they've taken over the years, it's almost humane for Google to put them out of their misery.
I, for one, will not be sorry to see them go. Having a battle of wits with them is like going to war against an unarmed person.
And for those that are not leaving, I've already blocked your silliness on my new newsreader.
I've taken that liberty in advance, because your responses are as worthless as your insults.
For me, a new day will dawn on February 22nd.
The loyal Lone Nutters who remain will have their posts ignored and the rest will fall by the wayside.
Either way, no more lone nut trolls on my screen. Can't wait.