2008-01-17 14:43:46 UTC
He was just a patsy. No one saw him fire a shot at Lincoln. The bullet
that killed Lincoln was never matched to the gun. No one can prove
Booth actually owned the gun either. Booth was conveniently lynched by
federal troops so he could never defend himself at trial. Booth was
never convicted of Lincoln's murder. It's time for this historical
injustice to be remedied. Our history books should be rewritten to
reflect the fact that the killer of Abraham Lincoln was never
that killed Lincoln was never matched to the gun. No one can prove
Booth actually owned the gun either. Booth was conveniently lynched by
federal troops so he could never defend himself at trial. Booth was
never convicted of Lincoln's murder. It's time for this historical
injustice to be remedied. Our history books should be rewritten to
reflect the fact that the killer of Abraham Lincoln was never