Sorry I left you out... No more Bud? Celebration time! And I can't forget John "The Wide-Open-Window Weasel" Corbett, gone. Celebration time!
ROFLMAO, what is this ?
"Gentleman" Don Willis getting in some parting shots ?
Has hell frozen over ?
No, he just sees you Lone Nutters like the rest of us see you: as assholes.
He's just too nice to have called it.
Me, I call them the way I see them and I'll be celebrating the end of your foolishness and insults.
You Nutters were never interested in this case. You only came in here to "entertain" yourselves by insulting other people.
That's because you're better than everybody else.
You don't need to look at the documents. You don't need to read the testimony. Because you believe what you've been told.
How do you know who your daddy was ? Because your momma told you so.
But momma's not always right, as the "Maury Show" has proven.
You're smarter than everybody else. You're more knowledgeable than everybody else.
But you can't answer 40 questions, many of them requiring a simple "yes" or "no" answer.
Other questions you run from, claiming they've been answered but unable to cite where that is the case.
You're liars, you're deceivers and you're cowards, afraid of the evidence.
No matter how much evidence is presented to you, you deny everything.
You refuse to click on the links and look at the evidence.
You are among the most closed-minded people I've ever encountered on the internet.
You have YOUR truth: "The Warren Commission said it, I believe it and that settles it."
That's your opinion and I respect that.
What I don't respect is your constant insults, lies and denials.
But your time for coming in just to insult those whom you don't agree with is growing short.
You COULD end your time here by discussing the evidence, but you won't.
Because as the Google archives will show, you don't have any class.
No, I won't be misty-eyed to see these lice go away.
February 22nd can't come soon enough for me.