Post by Gil JesusPost by NoTrueFlags HereHilarious! Nutters have ZERO integrity. They will say that Jackie just slapped JFK's head together so well that the doctors at Parkland couldn't see a gaping wound in his head. All to defend their Stupid Bullet Theory!
The "forensic pathological experts" wrote in their autopsy report that there was a wound that extended into the "occipital region".
They measured the wound at 13 cm. ( a little over 5 inches ) at its widest point.
Gil conveniently leaves out the part that says the defect was chiefly parietal. I wonder why.
Post by Gil JesusIt's all on page 3 of the autopsy report.
Is there reason you underlined occipital but not parietal or temporal. One might think you are trying to create the impression
the blowout was limited to the back of the head.
On the contrary, we look at the entire body of evidence. We don't cherry pick just the parts that support what we want to
believe.. We don't cherry pick occipital when we know the autopsy report said the defect was chiefly in the parietal bone and
the temporal bone as well. That tells blowout extended all along the upper right side of JFK's skull.
Post by Gil JesusThe autopsy report also describes the examination of skull fragments, the largest of which exhibited, "bevelling on the outer aspect of the bone." ( 16 H 981 )
The bevelling on the surface of bone is indicative of an exiting bullet. If the bevelling was on the inner aspect ( surface ) , it would mean a wound of entry.
But because it was on the outer aspect, ( the outside surface ) the bevelling they saw was from a exiting bullet.
Of course, Giltardo doesn't quote the autopsy report because that tells a completely opposite story from the one Giltardo is
"Situated in the posterior scalp approximately 2. 5 cm. laterally to the right and slightly above the external occipital protuberance is a lacerated wound measuring 15 x 6 mm. In the underlying bone is a corresponding wound through the skull which exhibits beveling of the margins of the bone when viewed from the inner aspect of the skull."
Notice it says the beveling is seen "when viewed from the INNER(emphasis mine) aspect of the skull."
Post by Gil JesusDr. Marion Jenkins told the HSCA that, a portion of the cerebellum was hanging out from A HOLE IN THE RIGHT REAR OF THE HEAD. ( 7 HSCA 287 )
He is describing the hole left by Harper fragment. He seems unaware of a flap of skull that covered JFK's right ear following
the headshot. How could any of them have missed that unless Jackie had closed that flap on drive to Parkland?
Post by Gil JesusDr. Charles Carrico described it as a "LARGE GAPING WOUND LOCATED IN THE RIGHT OCCIPITOPARIETAL AREA". ( 6 H 6 )
He is likely describing the hole left by the Harper fragment, which is believed to have come from junction of the occipital and
parietal bones.
Post by Gil JesusDr. Ronald Jones testified that the wound he saw, "appeared to be AN EXIT WOUND IN THE POSTERIOR PORTION OF THE SKULL." ( 6 H 56 )
Secret Service agent Clint Hill, who probably was the non-medical person who got best look at the head wound, described what he saw.
"I noticed a portion of the President's head ON THE RIGHT REAR SIDE WAS MISSING..... I saw A PART OF HIS SKULL with hair on it LYING IN THE SEAT." ( 18 H 742 )
The entire skull shattered into numerous pieces. Most of those pieces remained attached to the scalp. The Harper fragment
and the bone Hill saw did not.
Post by Gil JesusEven the Warren Commission's own Report admitted that the head shot, "removed a portion of the President's head." ( pg. 51 )
Mainly the Harper fragment.
Post by Gil JesusYet the autopsy photos show no indication that any portion of the President's head was ever missing. There is no interuption in the contour of the skull.
Here's where Giltardo plays doctor and pretends by looking at one photo he can reach a better conclusion than a panel of the
top medical examiners in the country who saw all the photos and x-rays.
Do you see that flap of skull on the right side, Giltardo? Why do you suppose no one at Parkland noticed it. Does that flap
indicate to you the blowout was NOT limited to the back of the head?
Post by Gil JesusHerchel Jacks' description of the wound he saw was that of an ENTRY WOUND.
"It appeared that the bullet had struck him above the right ear or near the temple".
Giltardo thinks that is a better way of determining where the bullet struck than what the autopsy indicates.
Post by Gil JesusHow any idiot, claiming to be a college professor who teaches a course on the assassination, could interpret that as saying it was an exit wound is beyond me.
Only an idiot would rely on the observations of a driver two cars behind the limo to determine where the bullet struck and
ignore the autopsy conclusion. But as long as we're relying on Hurchel Jacks, let's look at what else he said:
"At that time I heard a shot ring out which appeared to come from the right rear of the Vice President's car."
Post by Gil JesusBut then again, the Nutters are a special kind of idiot.
Jacks' description of a bullet striking the President "above the right ear or near the temple" is corroborated by other witnesses.
Explain why an eyewitness account is a better way of determining the direction of a gunshot than an autopsy. A witness
can only describe what they saw. The can't see what direction a bullet is traveling. The most visible portion of JFK's head
wound was the skull flap we see in the Z-film. That is what the witnesses saw and that is why many believed that is where
the bullet struck. That skull flap is not an entrance wound. It is the result of the skull being completely shattered by the
impact of the bullet and pressure cavity that built up in the wake of the transiting bullet. This pressure resulted in an
explosive wound along the upper right side of JFK's head.