Post by Gil JesusThanksgiving with Bud, Corbett and Chuckles as they show us how to look at the right things correctly.
We haven't heard you weigh in on this Curly:
Chuck Schuyler's profile photo
Chuck Schuyler
Nov 20, 2023, 8:17:21 PM (2 days ago)
Hey Gil,
Do you understand the difference between conspiracy and CONSPIRACISM?
9/11 was a conspiracy. Nineteen Muslim terrorists with a couple of hundred thousand dollars in backing from al Qaeda/bin Laden and plotting/planning coordination from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed pulled off (to date) the largest terror attack in US history. It was vigorously investigated and resulted in the war in Afghanistan and indirectly, to the war in Iraq. We know all of the major details, the hijackers, and on and on. KSM is in prison, bin Laden is dead.
But to listen to the now dwindling band of 9/11 Truthers tell it, 9/11 was an "inside job" involving Bush/Cheney/Halliburton, Jewish WTC owner Larry Silverstein somehow cooperating with bin Laden to "pull" the towers as part of a multi-billion dollar insurance fraud scheme, the use of something called nano-thermite to implode the buildings, timed with the jets hitting the towers, the involvement of the NYC Port Authority, the NYPD, the FDNY, and on and on. One of your JFK kook "Team Oswald" co-religionists, James Fetzer, believes it's possible NO PLANES hit the towers (holograms were employed?) and that a missile was fired by a jet into the US Pentagon. The Truthers cannot narrow anything down, and the plot continues to expand, with more suspects, and more possible subplots.
Nineteen hijackers flying planes into buildings is a CONSPIRACY. It can be defined, narrowed down, and prosecuted. The above paragraph involving almost everyone and their brother is an example of CONSPIRACISM.
Do you understand the difference between conspiracy and conspiracism? Do you think your inability to narrow down what happened on 11/22/63 puts you in the latter category as being afflicted with the social malady now sometimes referred to as conspiracism?
If not, why?
Conspiracism from the above link:
"Nothing happens by accident: Everything that happens in the world is intentional, by someone's (or something's) Grand Design.
"Nothing is as it seems: Whoever or whatever is in control disguises their role and their identity. In fact, they go out of their way to look innocent, deflect blame, or just plain hide.
"Everything is connected: Because of an intricate, evil design that allows for no accidents, there's no such thing as a coincidence, and the patterns of evil forces are all interconnected with each other. Therefore, the right type of person can see these patterns of numbers, designs, events, or activities everywhere, once they know what to look for.
"This last bit is important because, in most conspiracy theories, a thread of insistence exists that only certain, truly enlightened people can see the truth behind the secret plots. Most conspiracies are, so the thinking goes, invisible to the vast majority of sheeplike citizens who go grazing through the pasture of life, never suspecting the evil wolves lurking behind the rocks of everyday occurrences.
"In a way, conspiracism can be comforting to true believers because it removes the scary notion of randomness from the universe. For some, conspiracies can seem like an extension of religious faith, with God and Satan locked in a struggle for supremacy on Earth. In fact, many conspiracists are strongly connected to a belief in the coming of the end of the world. After a specific series of world events happens, these "millenialists" believe, those events will usher in Armageddon, the final battle between the forces of good and evil on Earth."
So Gil, why does the JFK assassination list of suspects, etc. never diminish? You seem perfectly fine keeping as an "ally" the Toilet/Flags. who believes Oswald shot at JFK's motorcade FROM THE GRASSY KNOLL, and that Tippit was murdered in DEALEY PLAZA.
Don't you see how batshit crazy this stuff