Post by Chuck SchuylerGil fantasizes about being Oswald's Johnny Cochrane and getting Oswald "off" on various technicalities, despite the many reminders to Gil that we don't try dead people for crimes in the Untied States.
But haven't you proclaimed Oswald as "historically guilty " ?
And you came to that conclusion after the Warren Commission "tried" him in the court of public opinion after he was dead.
You can't have it both ways.
Remember those 19 men who were convicted by Henry Wade ? Weren't they also "historically guilty" by your standards ?
And yet their convictions were overturned on DNA evidence.
I don't care about technicalities. The conduct of the police in this case is consistent with their framing an innocent man for crimes he did not commit.
And I'd say that if it were the assassination of JFK and the murder of J.D. Tippit, or the theft of some chicken out of a barnyard.
Those 19 wrongful convictions prove that this wasn't the only case in which they framed the suspects.
John Stickels, a University of Texas at Arlington criminology professor and a director of the Innocence Project of Texas, blames a culture of "win at all costs."
"When someone was arrested, it was assumed they were guilty," he said. "I think prosecutors and investigators basically ignored all evidence to the contrary and decided they were going to convict these guys." ( ibid. )
They weren't interested in convicting the right person, THEY WERE INTERESTED IN CONVICTING THE PERSON THEY ARRESTED.
That's why when Oswald was arrested in the theater, one of the cops yelled out, "Kill the President will you ?" ( 7 H 6 )
They didn't know he killed the President, but he was the guy they were arresting and he was the guy ( in their minds ) who was going to be guilty.
This is the way they did business. They called it "police work".
In 2005, Craig Watkins was elected DA in Dallas County. He said, "Clearly it was a culture. A lot of folks don't want to admit it. It was there" ( ibid. )
So blow it out your ass, Chuck. There are REAL problems with this case, not the least of which has to do with the credibility of the police and the DA.
There are problems with the way the authorities handled Oswald.
There are problems with the way the authorities handled the evidence.
There are problems with the way the authorities handled the witnesses.
There are problems with the way the authorities handled the autopsy.
Add to that the problem that the authorities seemed to be, "historically guilty" of framing innocent defendants.
They arrested the wrong guy and let Ruby kill him before it could be proven in court.
Then the FBI took over the investgation and covered up that fact.
Boy you Lone Nutters are really blind. You can't see the forest for the trees.