Lee Harvey Oswald's TSBD Application -- Showing Oswald's Willingness To Tell A Lie
(too old to reply)
David Von Pein
2007-03-20 14:01:16 UTC
While looking at some documents connected with President John F.
Kennedy's assassination, I noticed this interesting item (linked
below) --- Lee Harvey Oswald's application for employment at the Texas
School Book Depository (which was filled out by Oswald only 38 days
before he killed the President from that very workplace)......


Oswald tells multiple lies in the course of filling out that
application in late 1963 -- and one lie (or at least a 'half-lie' at
any rate) that I don't even mention in my list below is the lie about
Oswald getting an "Honorable Discharge" from the Marine Corps.

Now it's true that ORIGINALLY Oswald was given an HONORABLE discharge
from the Marines in 1959. But when the USMC discovered Oswald lied
about why he wanted to get out of the Marines and return home, the
discharge was changed to "Dishonorable".*

* = So there's just one more time we can label Lee Harvey as a "liar"
-- the lie he told his superiors in the Marines in '59, when he
insisted he had to return home to take care of his injured/ailing
mother, Marguerite.

However, even though Marguerite suffered a very minor injury at work
shortly before Oswald requested his discharge from the USMC (which
undoubtedly gave LHO the whole idea of using that as an excuse in the
first place), Mrs. Oswald was not disabled in any major way, and
recovered in a very short amount of time.

Marguerite's wonderful and ultra-considerate son (Lee Harvey), on the
other hand, decided he'd go to Russia just DAYS after arriving back in
the United States following his discharge from the
Marines....illustrating once more how Oswald would manipulate and use
people to serve his own needs and selfish desires.

When examining the above-linked work application (which served as
official Warren Commission Exhibit #496), let's take a quick inventory
of the several lies that Oswald serves up to Book Depository
Superintendent Roy S. Truly via that document.....

1.) Oswald lists his address incorrectly. He was really living at 1026
Beckley in Oak Cliff at the time. But, instead, lists his address as
Ruth Paine's home in Irving (where Marina was residing, but not Lee
himself). Oswald had been living at the Beckley roominghouse for just
one day prior to filling out that TSBD application (he rented the
Beckley Avenue room under the alias O.H. Lee on October 14, 1963).

So I suppose we could give Lee Harvey a break re. this lie -- because
it's possible (but not certain) that he just simply couldn't remember
the precise address of the roominghouse he just moved into 24 hours
earlier in Oak Cliff. And, perhaps, Oswald didn't feel comfortable
just leaving the "Address" line blank (or putting a question mark in

2.) Re. the question "Where did you last work?", Oswald lists the
Marine Corps ("U.S.M.C."), which is a lie. Oswald had several jobs (in
Dallas and New Orleans) after leaving the Marines in 1959.

3.) Related to Lie #1, under "Do you room and board?", Oswald answered
"No" .... which is also a lie. He was "boarding" at the Beckley Avenue
roominghouse, but he evidently didn't want his Depository boss, Roy
Truly, to know he was living at a roominghouse (exact address being
known by Oswald at the time or not).

4.) He also falsely claims that he's lived in Dallas "continuously".
This is inaccurate. Within just the previous year or two, he had also
lived in Fort Worth and New Orleans.

A fifth falsehood could be added here as well, when we look at
Oswald's answer of "No" to the question on the application about
"defects". However, it does only ask about the applicant's "physical"
defects, which wouldn't, of course, take into account Oswald's warped
mental state as of October 1963.

But if the word "physical" were to be removed from that question, Mr.
Oswald would have been forced to say this in response to such an

"Yes -- I'm a fruitcake, a wife-beater, a defector to Russia, and an
assassin, having attempted to end the life of a human being (Retired
General Edwin Walker), in April of this year (1963). I sincerely hope
that my tendencies toward political assassinations do not dissuade you
from considering employing me with your company. Everybody, after all,
has SOME little black marks about their persona. Mine, unfortunately,
is that I'm prone to killing top political figures. But I can push a
mean two-wheeled cart filled with books! Yours truly, Lee H.
Oswald". :)

Oswald was hired at the Book Depository that very day he filled out
that application (October 15, 1963). He started to work, as an "order
filler" [for the then-minimum wage of $1.25 per hour], the next
morning, Wednesday, October 16, 1963, which was the beginning of a new
pay period at the Depository.

Hindsight is 20/20 (obviously) -- But I look at that application form
and think: If only Mr. Truly had passed on hiring Lee Oswald. Just
think of how history would have been altered by just that one fairly-
minor (at the time) decision made by Roy S. Truly of the Texas School
Book Depository Company.

Oswald, of course (who knows), might still have found some way to kill
President Kennedy on 11/22/63 as the motorcade made its way through
the Dallas, Texas, streets. But that is doubtful, since he probably
would not have had the golden opportunity that he was presented with
by being employed in a tall building right along the parade route.

I often wonder, though, if Oswald just might have tried to find a way
to use his Carcano rifle that November day, even if he hadn't been
employed at the Depository. That "What If?" is not of any significance
now, of course, but is something to ponder upon occasion.





2007-03-20 14:20:27 UTC
Post by David Von Pein
While looking at some documents connected with President John F.
Kennedy's assassination, I noticed this interesting item (linked
below) --- Lee Harvey Oswald's application for employment at the Texas
School Book Depository (which was filled out by Oswald only 38 days
before he killed the President from that very workplace)......
Ok, Oswald was a liar.

And ...?

David Von Pein
2007-03-20 14:47:31 UTC
"OK, Oswald was a liar. And...?" <<<
Is this a "Fill In The Blank" type of quiz?

If so.....

OSWALD WAS A LIAR AND __________________.

Answers --- ....And a double-murderer, a wife-abuser, a Russian
defector, a Communist sympathizer, a Marxist, an attempted murderer
(Walker and Officer McDonald), a manipulator extraordinaire, a lousy
provider for his family, a penny-pinching miser that would make Jack
Benny proud, and a double-murderer (worth a replay there). And, if you
believe Judyth Vary-Baker's tale, Oz was an unfaithful husband too.

Nice resume huh? No wonder Truly thought he was a "nice young man". ;)

CTers are free to add their versions of what Oswald was.....e.g.:

A saint....a patsy (multiple times over)....an FBI agent....a KGB
agent....a CIA agent....an ONI operative of some ilk....a man innocent
of every murder or attempted murder he was ever accused of in his
life....a wonderful hubby and father....and a guy who was trying to
SAVE the President from his 11/22/63 fate.

And he gave blood every Wednesday, always washed after pissing, always
put a new roll of paper on the roller, and bowed at the waist whenever
Marina entered the room.
2007-03-20 14:57:23 UTC
Post by David Von Pein
"OK, Oswald was a liar. And...?" <<<
Is this a "Fill In The Blank" type of quiz?
If so.....
OSWALD WAS A LIAR AND __________________.
Answers --- ....And a double-murderer, a wife-abuser, a Russian
defector, a Communist sympathizer, a Marxist, an attempted murderer
(Walker and Officer McDonald), a manipulator extraordinaire, a lousy
provider for his family, a penny-pinching miser that would make Jack
Benny proud, and a double-murderer (worth a replay there). And, if you
believe Judyth Vary-Baker's tale, Oz was an unfaithful husband too.
Nice resume huh? No wonder Truly thought he was a "nice young man". ;)
A saint....a patsy (multiple times over)....an FBI agent....a KGB
agent....a CIA agent....an ONI operative of some ilk....a man innocent
of every murder or attempted murder he was ever accused of in his
life....a wonderful hubby and father....and a guy who was trying to
SAVE the President from his 11/22/63 fate.
And he gave blood every Wednesday, always washed after pissing, always
put a new roll of paper on the roller, and bowed at the waist whenever
Marina entered the room.
In other words, you don't like him.

That explains a lot, David.

David Von Pein
2007-03-20 15:04:33 UTC
But as long as we have enough CTers who "like him", I guess that's
enough to justify letting him off the hook for a couple of measly
murders. Meh.
2007-03-20 15:32:02 UTC
Post by David Von Pein
But as long as we have enough CTers who "like him", I guess that's
enough to justify letting him off the hook for a couple of measly
murders. Meh.
Here's a suggestion, David: stop acting like a Usenet thug and let your
data speak for itself.

2007-03-20 22:02:57 UTC
Post by David Von Pein
While looking at some documents connected with President John F.
Kennedy's assassination, I noticed this interesting item (linked
below) --- Lee Harvey Oswald's application for employment at the Texas
School Book Depository (which was filled out by Oswald only 38 days
before he killed the President from that very workplace)......
Ok, Oswald was a liar.
And ...?
AND ....Lying is the stock in trade of a good secret agent. And
Oswald was pretty damned good for his young age.

He wasn't applying for that menial, two bit job, for a career......He
"thought" he was there to spy on the members of the American GiI Forum
who were employed at the TSBD. J.E.Hoover had decided that Joe Molina
was the leader of a band of subversives ( American GI forum) and
Oswald's mission was to spy on him and learn what he could. In
reality Oswald was being set up to be the patsy in the murder of JFK.

2007-03-20 23:08:12 UTC
Post by Walt
Post by David Von Pein
While looking at some documents connected with President John F.
Kennedy's assassination, I noticed this interesting item (linked
below) --- Lee Harvey Oswald's application for employment at the Texas
School Book Depository (which was filled out by Oswald only 38 days
before he killed the President from that very workplace)......
Ok, Oswald was a liar.
And ...?
AND ....Lying is the stock in trade of a good secret agent. And
Oswald was pretty damned good for his young age.
He wasn't applying for that menial, two bit job, for a career......He
"thought" he was there to spy on the members of the American GiI Forum
who were employed at the TSBD. J.E.Hoover had decided that Joe Molina
was the leader of a band of subversives ( American GI forum) and
Oswald's mission was to spy on him and learn what he could. In
reality Oswald was being set up to be the patsy in the murder of JFK.
Sure, but getting back to David, his liar accusation shows how worthless
his conclusions are. And that's because these are the kinds of facts he
uses to arrive at them -- "Oswald was a liar!" "Oswald beat his wife,"
"Oswald was balding at only 24 years of age!"

2007-03-20 23:24:11 UTC
Post by Walt
Post by David Von Pein
While looking at some documents connected with President John F.
Kennedy's assassination, I noticed this interesting item (linked
below) --- Lee Harvey Oswald's application for employment at the Texas
School Book Depository (which was filled out by Oswald only 38 days
before he killed the President from that very workplace)......
Ok, Oswald was a liar.
And ...?
AND ....Lying is the stock in trade of a good secret agent. And
Oswald was pretty damned good for his young age.
He wasn't applying for that menial, two bit job, for a career......He
"thought" he was there to spy on the members of the American GiI Forum
who were employed at the TSBD. J.E.Hoover had decided that Joe Molina
was the leader of a band of subversives ( American GI forum) and
Oswald's mission was to spy on him and learn what he could. In
reality Oswald was being set up to be the patsy in the murder of JFK.
Sure, but getting back to David, his liar accusation shows how worthless
his conclusions are. And that's because these are the kinds of facts he
uses to arrive at them -- "Oswald was a liar!" "Oswald beat his wife,"
"Oswald was balding at only 24 years of age!"
ricland- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Ricland? You owe DVP an apology and
here's why. In ANY murder investigation
the accuseds background plays a HUGE
role. Murders do not happen in a vacuum.
There are causes in ones background
that provide answers. When coupled
with the physical evidence in this case,
it's damn obvious who committed the
crime. Now, you can make all the
damn excuses you choose to make
but it only shows your ignorance in
how investigations are done and
what the results mean. Since you
seem to be a neophyte in JFK's
case, rather than annoy people on
here with continual 3rd grade questions
why not do what Gil Jesus, aeffects,
Tomnln have never done. Do some
research on Oswald before and then
make intelligent comments.
2007-03-20 23:31:46 UTC
Post by YoHarvey
Post by Walt
Post by David Von Pein
While looking at some documents connected with President John F.
Kennedy's assassination, I noticed this interesting item (linked
below) --- Lee Harvey Oswald's application for employment at the Texas
School Book Depository (which was filled out by Oswald only 38 days
before he killed the President from that very workplace)......
Ok, Oswald was a liar.
And ...?
AND ....Lying is the stock in trade of a good secret agent. And
Oswald was pretty damned good for his young age.
He wasn't applying for that menial, two bit job, for a career......He
"thought" he was there to spy on the members of the American GiI Forum
who were employed at the TSBD. J.E.Hoover had decided that Joe Molina
was the leader of a band of subversives ( American GI forum) and
Oswald's mission was to spy on him and learn what he could. In
reality Oswald was being set up to be the patsy in the murder of JFK.
Sure, but getting back to David, his liar accusation shows how worthless
his conclusions are. And that's because these are the kinds of facts he
uses to arrive at them -- "Oswald was a liar!" "Oswald beat his wife,"
"Oswald was balding at only 24 years of age!"
ricland- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Ricland? You owe DVP an apology and
here's why. In ANY murder investigation
the accuseds background plays a HUGE
role. Murders do not happen in a vacuum.
There are causes in ones background
that provide answers. When coupled
with the physical evidence in this case,
it's damn obvious who committed the
crime. Now, you can make all the
damn excuses you choose to make
but it only shows your ignorance in
how investigations are done and
what the results mean. Since you
seem to be a neophyte in JFK's
case, rather than annoy people on
here with continual 3rd grade questions
why not do what Gil Jesus, aeffects,
Tomnln have never done. Do some
research on Oswald before and then
make intelligent comments.
the ass kisser is back -- DVP can take care of hisself, he doesn't
need your defense, despite its worthlessness, you moron
2007-03-20 23:36:31 UTC
Post by aeffects
Post by YoHarvey
Post by Walt
Post by David Von Pein
While looking at some documents connected with President John F.
Kennedy's assassination, I noticed this interesting item (linked
below) --- Lee Harvey Oswald's application for employment at the Texas
School Book Depository (which was filled out by Oswald only 38 days
before he killed the President from that very workplace)......
Ok, Oswald was a liar.
And ...?
AND ....Lying is the stock in trade of a good secret agent. And
Oswald was pretty damned good for his young age.
He wasn't applying for that menial, two bit job, for a career......He
"thought" he was there to spy on the members of the American GiI Forum
who were employed at the TSBD. J.E.Hoover had decided that Joe Molina
was the leader of a band of subversives ( American GI forum) and
Oswald's mission was to spy on him and learn what he could. In
reality Oswald was being set up to be the patsy in the murder of JFK.
Sure, but getting back to David, his liar accusation shows how worthless
his conclusions are. And that's because these are the kinds of facts he
uses to arrive at them -- "Oswald was a liar!" "Oswald beat his wife,"
"Oswald was balding at only 24 years of age!"
ricland- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Ricland? You owe DVP an apology and
here's why. In ANY murder investigation
the accuseds background plays a HUGE
role. Murders do not happen in a vacuum.
There are causes in ones background
that provide answers. When coupled
with the physical evidence in this case,
it's damn obvious who committed the
crime. Now, you can make all the
damn excuses you choose to make
but it only shows your ignorance in
how investigations are done and
what the results mean. Since you
seem to be a neophyte in JFK's
case, rather than annoy people on
here with continual 3rd grade questions
why not do what Gil Jesus, aeffects,
Tomnln have never done. Do some
research on Oswald before and then
make intelligent comments.
the ass kisser is back -- DVP can take care of hisself, he doesn't
need your defense, despite its worthlessness, you moron- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Man, I love it when azzholes like aeffects
and Jesus make their posts. They're easier
targets than JFK was.
2007-03-21 03:54:45 UTC
Post by YoHarvey
Post by Walt
Post by David Von Pein
While looking at some documents connected with President John F.
Kennedy's assassination, I noticed this interesting item (linked
below) --- Lee Harvey Oswald's application for employment at the Texas
School Book Depository (which was filled out by Oswald only 38 days
before he killed the President from that very workplace)......
Ok, Oswald was a liar.
And ...?
AND ....Lying is the stock in trade of a good secret agent. And
Oswald was pretty damned good for his young age.
He wasn't applying for that menial, two bit job, for a career......He
"thought" he was there to spy on the members of the American GiI Forum
who were employed at the TSBD. J.E.Hoover had decided that Joe Molina
was the leader of a band of subversives ( American GI forum) and
Oswald's mission was to spy on him and learn what he could. In
reality Oswald was being set up to be the patsy in the murder of JFK.
Sure, but getting back to David, his liar accusation shows how worthless
his conclusions are. And that's because these are the kinds of facts he
uses to arrive at them -- "Oswald was a liar!" "Oswald beat his wife,"
"Oswald was balding at only 24 years of age!"
ricland- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Ricland? You owe DVP an apology and
here's why. In ANY murder investigation
the accuseds background plays a HUGE
role. Murders do not happen in a vacuum.
There are causes in ones background
that provide answers. When coupled
with the physical evidence in this case,
it's damn obvious who committed the
crime. Now, you can make all the
damn excuses you choose to make
but it only shows your ignorance in
how investigations are done and
what the results mean. Since you
seem to be a neophyte in JFK's
case, rather than annoy people on
here with continual 3rd grade questions
why not do what Gil Jesus, aeffects,
Tomnln have never done. Do some
research on Oswald before and then
make intelligent comments.
2007-03-21 05:23:22 UTC
Post by YoHarvey
Post by Walt
Post by David Von Pein
While looking at some documents connected with President John F.
Kennedy's assassination, I noticed this interesting item (linked
below) --- Lee Harvey Oswald's application for employment at the Texas
School Book Depository (which was filled out by Oswald only 38 days
before he killed the President from that very workplace)......
Ok, Oswald was a liar.
And ...?
AND ....Lying is the stock in trade of a good secret agent. And
Oswald was pretty damned good for his young age.
He wasn't applying for that menial, two bit job, for a career......He
"thought" he was there to spy on the members of the American GiI Forum
who were employed at the TSBD. J.E.Hoover had decided that Joe Molina
was the leader of a band of subversives ( American GI forum) and
Oswald's mission was to spy on him and learn what he could. In
reality Oswald was being set up to be the patsy in the murder of JFK.
Sure, but getting back to David, his liar accusation shows how worthless
his conclusions are. And that's because these are the kinds of facts he
uses to arrive at them -- "Oswald was a liar!" "Oswald beat his wife,"
"Oswald was balding at only 24 years of age!"
ricland- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Ricland? You owe DVP an apology and
here's why. In ANY murder investigation
the accuseds background plays a HUGE
role. Murders do not happen in a vacuum.
There are causes in ones background
that provide answers. When coupled
with the physical evidence in this case,
it's damn obvious who committed the
crime. Now, you can make all the
damn excuses you choose to make
but it only shows your ignorance in
how investigations are done and
what the results mean. Since you
seem to be a neophyte in JFK's
case, rather than annoy people on
here with continual 3rd grade questions
why not do what Gil Jesus, aeffects,
Tomnln have never done. Do some
research on Oswald before and then
make intelligent comments.
Correct, but none of the stuff David listed would ever be told to a jury.

David's simpleton logic runs like this:

"A man who tells the truth and doesn't beat his wife would never kill

David Von Pein
2007-03-21 00:40:15 UTC
"Lying is the stock in trade of a good secret agent." <<<
And it doesn't hurt a good Presidential assassin either. Well, it
actually does hurt him in retrospect (quite a bit), since LHO's "39
Lies" (and then some) paint a nice, stark image of a killer who had a
really, really good reason to lie his ass off non-stop in November of
1963. .....

"And Oswald was pretty damned good {AT LYING HIS ASS OFF} for his young age." <<<
Hey, look! We agree on something. Somebody call Mr. Ripley!!
"He {Oswald} "thought" he was there to spy on the members of the American GI Forum who were employed at the TSBD. Hoover had decided that Joe Molina was the leader of a band of subversives (American GI forum) and Oswald's mission was to spy on him and learn what he could."
Holy hell! How far down in your pile of conspiracy theories did you
have to dig to get this hunk of made-up tripe?

I don't suppose we'll EVER see any kind of follow-up posts from Walt
to back up the above extraordinary claims, will we?

Walt just spits out theories on a whim it would appear. It must an
"eenie-meanie-miny-moe" kind of thing. Today's theory was a "meanie" I
"In reality, Oswald was being set up to be the patsy in the murder of JFK." <<<
What in the world is Walt doing using the word "reality" in one of his
posts? He wouldn't recognize "reality" in the Kennedy case if his life
depended on having to recognize it.

Walter lives in a total fantasy world when it comes to the JFK
assassination case -- a world where HE, himself (Mr. Walt The Kook),
gets to make up his own rules about the evidence and about what the
evidence means. I defy any reasonable person to look at his posts and
prove me wrong re. the above declaration about Mr. Walt.

A perfect example of what I mean is the very post I'm responding
to....i.e., this garbage:

"He "thought" he was there to spy on the members of the American GI
Forum who were employed at the TSBD. Hoover had decided that Joe
Molina was the leader of a band of subversives (American GI forum) and
Oswald's mission was to spy on him and learn what he could."

Walt's probably a very smart man (outside the realm of the JFK case).
In fact, he's very likely one of the top 3rd-graders in his class. ;)

But, for whatever reason (which I've never been able to figure out),
whenever that same smart person enters the arena marked "The JFK
Assassination", all normal common sense and reasoned thinking gets
checked at the arena's doorstep, and a bunch of "extraordinary"
scenarios get to be believed by that person.

I've been accused of over-using and/or mis-using the term "Occam's
Razor", but I think that at the end of the day (and the evidence)
Occam's is the still the best place to hang your hat re. the John F.
Kennedy murder case.

And Occam's = Oswald Alone.

David Von Pein
2007-03-21 00:42:49 UTC
"Lying is the stock in trade of a good secret agent." <<<
And it doesn't hurt a good Presidential assassin either. Well, it
actually does hurt him in retrospect (quite a bit), since LHO's "39
Lies" (and then some) paint a nice, stark image of a killer who had a
really, really good reason to lie his ass off non-stop in November of
1963. .....

"And Oswald was pretty damned good {AT LYING HIS ASS OFF} for his young age." <<<
Hey, look! We agree on something. Somebody call Mr. Ripley!!
"He {Oswald} "thought" he was there to spy on the members of the American GI Forum who were employed at the TSBD. Hoover had decided that Joe Molina was the leader of a band of subversives (American GI forum) and Oswald's mission was to spy on him and learn what he could." <<<
Holy hell! How far down in your pile of conspiracy theories did you
have to dig to get this hunk of made-up tripe?

I don't suppose we'll EVER see any kind of follow-up posts from Walt
to back up the above extraordinary claims, will we?

Walt just spits out theories on a whim it would appear. It must an
"eenie-meanie-miny-moe" kind of thing. Today's theory was a "meanie" I
"In reality, Oswald was being set up to be the patsy in the murder of JFK." <<<
What in the world is Walt doing using the word "reality" in one of his
posts? He wouldn't recognize "reality" in the Kennedy case if his life
depended on having to recognize it.

Walter lives in a total fantasy world when it comes to the JFK
assassination case -- a world where HE, himself (Mr. Walt The Kook),
gets to make up his own rules about the evidence and about what the
evidence means. I defy any reasonable person to look at his posts and
prove me wrong re. the above declaration about Mr. Walt.

A perfect example of what I mean is the very post I'm responding
to....i.e., this garbage:

"He "thought" he was there to spy on the members of the American GI
Forum who were employed at the TSBD. Hoover had decided that Joe
Molina was the leader of a band of subversives (American GI forum) and
Oswald's mission was to spy on him and learn what he could."

Walt's probably a very smart man (outside the realm of the JFK case).
In fact, he's very likely one of the top 3rd-graders in his class. ;)

But, for whatever reason (which I've never been able to figure out),
whenever that same smart person enters the arena marked "The JFK
Assassination", all normal common sense and reasoned thinking gets
checked at the arena's doorstep, and a bunch of "extraordinary"
scenarios get to be believed by that person.

I've been accused of over-using and/or mis-using the term "Occam's
Razor", but I think that at the end of the day (and the evidence)
Occam's is the still the best place to hang your hat re. the John F.
Kennedy murder case.

And Occam's = Oswald Alone.

2007-03-20 14:28:15 UTC
Post by David Von Pein
While looking at some documents connected with President John F.
Kennedy's assassination, I noticed this interesting item (linked
below) --- Lee Harvey Oswald's application for employment at the Texas
School Book Depository (which was filled out by Oswald only 38 days
before he killed the President from that very workplace)......
Oswald tells multiple lies in the course of filling out that
application in late 1963 -- and one lie (or at least a 'half-lie' at
any rate) that I don't even mention in my list below is the lie about
Oswald getting an "Honorable Discharge" from the Marine Corps.
Now it's true that ORIGINALLY Oswald was given an HONORABLE discharge
from the Marines in 1959. But when the USMC discovered Oswald lied
about why he wanted to get out of the Marines and return home, the
discharge was changed to "Dishonorable".*
* = So there's just one more time we can label Lee Harvey as a "liar"
-- the lie he told his superiors in the Marines in '59, when he
insisted he had to return home to take care of his injured/ailing
mother, Marguerite.
However, even though Marguerite suffered a very minor injury at work
shortly before Oswald requested his discharge from the USMC (which
undoubtedly gave LHO the whole idea of using that as an excuse in the
first place), Mrs. Oswald was not disabled in any major way, and
recovered in a very short amount of time.
Marguerite's wonderful and ultra-considerate son (Lee Harvey), on the
other hand, decided he'd go to Russia just DAYS after arriving back in
the United States following his discharge from the
Marines....illustrating once more how Oswald would manipulate and use
people to serve his own needs and selfish desires.
When examining the above-linked work application (which served as
official Warren Commission Exhibit #496), let's take a quick inventory
of the several lies that Oswald serves up to Book Depository
Superintendent Roy S. Truly via that document.....
1.) Oswald lists his address incorrectly. He was really living at 1026
Beckley in Oak Cliff at the time. But, instead, lists his address as
Ruth Paine's home in Irving (where Marina was residing, but not Lee
himself). Oswald had been living at the Beckley roominghouse for just
one day prior to filling out that TSBD application (he rented the
Beckley Avenue room under the alias O.H. Lee on October 14, 1963).
So I suppose we could give Lee Harvey a break re. this lie -- because
it's possible (but not certain) that he just simply couldn't remember
the precise address of the roominghouse he just moved into 24 hours
earlier in Oak Cliff. And, perhaps, Oswald didn't feel comfortable
just leaving the "Address" line blank (or putting a question mark in
2.) Re. the question "Where did you last work?", Oswald lists the
Marine Corps ("U.S.M.C."), which is a lie. Oswald had several jobs (in
Dallas and New Orleans) after leaving the Marines in 1959.
Add the factory job in Minsk as well.
Post by David Von Pein
3.) Related to Lie #1, under "Do you room and board?", Oswald answered
"No" .... which is also a lie. He was "boarding" at the Beckley Avenue
roominghouse, but he evidently didn't want his Depository boss, Roy
Truly, to know he was living at a roominghouse (exact address being
known by Oswald at the time or not).
4.) He also falsely claims that he's lived in Dallas "continuously".
This is inaccurate. Within just the previous year or two, he had also
lived in Fort Worth and New Orleans.
A fifth falsehood could be added here as well, when we look at
Oswald's answer of "No" to the question on the application about
"defects". However, it does only ask about the applicant's "physical"
defects, which wouldn't, of course, take into account Oswald's warped
mental state as of October 1963.
But if the word "physical" were to be removed from that question, Mr.
Oswald would have been forced to say this in response to such an
"Yes -- I'm a fruitcake, a wife-beater, a defector to Russia, and an
assassin, having attempted to end the life of a human being (Retired
General Edwin Walker), in April of this year (1963). I sincerely hope
that my tendencies toward political assassinations do not dissuade you
from considering employing me with your company. Everybody, after all,
has SOME little black marks about their persona. Mine, unfortunately,
is that I'm prone to killing top political figures. But I can push a
mean two-wheeled cart filled with books! Yours truly, Lee H.
Oswald". :)
Oswald was hired at the Book Depository that very day he filled out
that application (October 15, 1963). He started to work, as an "order
filler" [for the then-minimum wage of $1.25 per hour], the next
morning, Wednesday, October 16, 1963, which was the beginning of a new
pay period at the Depository.
Hindsight is 20/20 (obviously) -- But I look at that application form
and think: If only Mr. Truly had passed on hiring Lee Oswald. Just
think of how history would have been altered by just that one fairly-
minor (at the time) decision made by Roy S. Truly of the Texas School
Book Depository Company.
Oswald, of course (who knows), might still have found some way to kill
President Kennedy on 11/22/63 as the motorcade made its way through
the Dallas, Texas, streets. But that is doubtful, since he probably
would not have had the golden opportunity that he was presented with
by being employed in a tall building right along the parade route.
I often wonder, though, if Oswald just might have tried to find a way
to use his Carcano rifle that November day, even if he hadn't been
employed at the Depository. That "What If?" is not of any significance
now, of course, but is something to ponder upon occasion.
Would he perhaps just pack his pistol in case an opportunity arose.
Replaying an earlier time when Mrs. Oz supposedly locked him in the
bathroom. As you said the "what if's" do make you wonder sometimes.
Post by David Von Pein
David Von Pein
2007-03-21 10:36:30 UTC


"2.) Re. the question "Where did you last work?", Oswald lists the
Marine Corps ("U.S.M.C."), which is a lie. Oswald had several jobs (in
Dallas and New Orleans) after leaving the Marines in 1959."


I failed to note this previously, but I think it's fairly obvious that
Lee Oswald told this "U.S.M.C." lie on his TSBD application in October
1963 in order to impress Roy Truly (who is the man who would
ultimately be hiring Oswald), and to give Truly some added incentive
to want to hire this ex-serviceman who, per the application, had very
recently been "Honorably Discharged" from the U.S. Marine Corps.

More information about Oswald's being hired at the Book Depository can
be gleaned by looking at Roy Truly's WC testimony (and we can find one
additional lie of LHO's, when he told Truly he had not been "in
trouble with the police"; Oswald, of course, had some "trouble" with
the New Orleans police just two months earlier)......

ROY S. TRULY -- "So he {Lee Oswald} came in, introduced himself to me,
and I took him in my office and interviewed him. He seemed to be quiet
and well mannered. I gave him an application to fill out, which he

DAVID BELIN -- "Did he fill it out in front of you, or not?"

MR. TRULY -- "Yes; he did. And he told me I asked him about experience
that he had had, or where he had worked, and he said he had just
served his term in the Marine Corps and had received an honorable
discharge, and he listed some things of an office nature that he had
learned to do in the Marines. I questioned him about any past
activities. I asked him if he had ever had any trouble with the
police, and he said, no. So thinking that he was just out of the
Marines, I didn't check any further back. I didn't have anything of a
permanent nature in mind for him. He looked like a nice young fellow
to me--he was quiet and well mannered. He used the word "sir", you
know, which a lot of them don't do at this time.
So I told him if he would come to work on the morning of the 16th, it
was the beginning of a new pay period. So he filled out his
withholding slip, with the exception of the number of dependents."
2012-12-06 05:23:43 UTC
I encourage your concern and care about the Public Assination of John F. Kennedy. But by now you have acknowledged? Oswald was involvedd with the CIA. The owner of the book depository; was also associated with the CIA. Oswald was on the 5th floor in the breakroom. The Dallas police who entered the building passed right bye him heading for the six floor. You may have also acknowleded? The acoustic testing and results prove all the shots did not come from the sixth floor window? Oswald was in a poor mental state of health the job was actually a place he could be left alone and not interacting with many workers. Here a place to lie low and that was the purpose of hiring him. The boss new. The application is really nothing much; be they correct or incorrect. In additon we now have overwhelming reports which confirm a shooter was there on the grassy knoll. Plus added testimony that the motorcade route was changed at the last minute; to take that side street; and that no security motorcycles where to ride in front and in fact not ride any further than the rear wheels of the limo. The whole concern would have never erupted into a full blown "WE DONT BELIVE YOU" which includes the Warren Commission Report. Because those who plotted this assination never figured there would be a person on that grassy knoll, with a new Brownie Automatic Camera; this had to be a blessing for sure. This one single piece of evidence is all any rational person needs to see, that the fatal shot did not come from the rear. Please go and see the videos of Kennedy's press secretary; who was at the hospital; and those of several doctors (and even) the doctor who was called years later, who said the photos he viewed in Washington did match the wounds, which he had seen. Someone had mutilated the wounds. The only time this could of happened was at the Naval hospital. Now most interesting is when some people talk they oftern use their hands with their words; in these videos you will see these people (when asked) about the shooting wound...point to the right side of their foreheads to indicate where the bullet entered. This kind of body language is much greater than any spoken words. The body was taken by gun point from Parkland, and a doctor in Maryland who had no autospy experience is hired to perform one on our president who had just been assinated? Never the less, thank you very much for your account here; and thank God we still have people looking for the truth in our country; with this new generation our country will be in good hands. GOD bless those who love the truth; because they will prevail against all the odds.
2012-12-07 18:27:21 UTC
I encourage your concern and care about the Public Assination of John F. Kennedy. But by now you have acknowledged?  Oswald was involvedd with the CIA. The owner of the book depository; was also associated with the CIA. Oswald was on the 5th floor in the breakroom. The Dallas police who entered the building passed right bye him heading for the six floor. You may have also acknowleded? The acoustic testing and results prove all the shots did not come from the sixth floor window? Oswald was in a poor mental state of health the job was actually a place he could be left alone and not interacting with many workers. Here a place to lie low and that was the purpose of hiring him. The boss new. The application is really nothing much; be they correct or incorrect. In additon we now have overwhelming reports which confirm a shooter was there on the grassy knoll. Plus added testimony that the motorcade route was changed at the last minute; to take that side street; and that no security motorcycles where to ride in front and in fact not ride any further than the rear wheels of the limo. The whole concern would have never erupted into a full blown "WE DONT BELIVE YOU" which includes the Warren Commission Report.  Because those who plotted this assination never figured there would be a person on that grassy knoll, with a new Brownie Automatic Camera; this had to be a blessing for sure. This one single piece of evidence is all any rational person needs to see, that the fatal shot did not come from the rear. Please go and see the videos of Kennedy's press secretary; who was at the hospital; and those of several doctors (and even) the doctor who was called years later, who said the photos he viewed in Washington did match the wounds, which he had seen. Someone had mutilated the wounds. The only time this could of happened was at the Naval hospital. Now most interesting is when some people talk they oftern use their hands with their words; in these videos you will see these people (when asked) about the shooting wound...point to the right side of their foreheads to indicate where the bullet entered. This kind of body language is much greater than any spoken words. The body was taken by gun point from Parkland, and a doctor in Maryland who had no autospy experience is hired to perform one on our president who had just been assinated? Never the less, thank you very much for your account here; and thank God we still have people looking for the truth in our country; with this new generation our country will be in good hands. GOD bless those who love the truth; because they will prevail against all the odds.
5th floor breakroom? Do tell.

Brownie Automatic Camera? This is all I found. 1:05? How did it get
to the GK?

The morning had been drizzly, but by one o'clock, when
the20-car motorcade left Love Field for the
seven-mile drive to downtown Dallas, November 22 was
dazzlingly clear--what his aides called "Kennedy
weather." On the outskirts of the city the
crowdsthickened. "We got there an hour and a half early because my
mother wanted a good spot," remembers Chris Darrouzet,
13at the time, who borrowed his parents' Brownie
Automatic Movie Camera. When his family--two station
wagonsfull of brothers, cousins and aunts--arrived at
a site along the route, they saw many homemade signs
ofgreeting. Aunt Terry Jenkins, 35, hurried across the
street to a five-and-ten for a roll of shelf paper and
she printed, "JFK-LBJ in '64." At 1:05 the motorcade
cameinto view. The limousine had almost passed when
it abruptly stopped--and the President beckoned. "As
soonas he waved, I just dropped the sign and ran to
shake his hand," remembers John Darrouzet, then 17.
Hisfamily was close behind. "He looked right into my
face," says brother Bob, then 15. "His hand was
swollenfrom shaking hands. Jackie was looking away, so I
said, 'Hi, Jackie,' and she turned and gave that
typicalsmile." Meanwhile, photographer Chris was maneuvering
for a vantage point. "The crowd was pushing in to get
ahandshake," he says. "I just wanted to shoot a few
frames." Before the motorcade moved on to Dealey Plaza,
25minutes away, the 13-year-old was able to
record these images, never before published, offering alast
glimpse of a radiant President.

2017-04-29 02:07:21 UTC
Before JFK became POTUS, did any other president travel in an open top convertible?

Is any presidents' future itinerary planned and shared with those who "need to know" 40 days in advance?


These travel plans are always top secret. Plus this was at the heights of the cold war.

I see a parallel with Yitzak Rabin's killing. When this assassin moved into for the kill, all other soldiers actually stepped back. You may look at actual footage to validate my point.

JFK was a philandering sparrow. He was killed by the husband one such woman.


Robert Krykant
2023-12-01 18:30:11 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
Before JFK became POTUS, did any other president travel in an open top convertible?
Is any presidents' future itinerary planned and shared with those who "need to know" 40 days in advance?
These travel plans are always top secret. Plus this was at the heights of the cold war.
I see a parallel with Yitzak Rabin's killing. When this assassin moved into for the kill, all other soldiers actually stepped back. You may look at actual footage to validate my point.
JFK was a philandering sparrow. He was killed by the husband one such woman.