Hi Toots,
Say, ol' Toots-E-Roll fella, er, I mean David *aeffects* Healy,
published author on <snicker> Zapruder Film Alteration, I couldn't
help but notice that neither you nor Sam McClung could be bothered
responding to the substance of what I wrote.
And you a published author, yet, ol' Toots-E-Roll fella! So you think
it's OK for Chauncey Holt to make up nonsense like *a pilot from Cuba,
Bud Belcher, was outside International Trade Mart the day Oswald
picketed it*, when, in fact, there is no such person as Bud Belcher?
What it proves, Mr Healy, is that Chauncey Holt had no business making
any comments about who was or wasn't outside International Trade Mart
that day because, Mr Healy, Chauncey Holt didn't know anything about
Chauncey Holt should not be making anybody's Absolute Credibility
List. He should only be making an Absolute Zero Credibility List,
along with those that propose Z film alteration theories such as *A
Lady In Yellow Pants In the Nix Film Indicates Zapruder Film
Tim Brennan
Sydney, Australia
*Newsgroup(s) Commentator*
Post by aeffectsPost by t***@gmail.comTOP POST
Hi Sam,
Are you aware that Chauncey Holt claims, in a photo posted on the
Murder Solved website, that one of the people watching LHO's FPCC
leafletting of New Orleans International Trade Mart in August 1963 is
a guy named Bud Belcher, a pilot from Cuba?
The guy was actually named by the FBI as John Alice, who ran a
business out of International Trade Mart in August 1963. No mention of
any Bud Belcher, a <snicker> *pilot from Cuba*, LOL!
Given that Holt would lie about that, why should he be believed on
anything else and why would you include him on an *absolute
credibility* list?
The guy was a total scam artist.
much more (sic) than a few think of you, Timothy Brennan! Keep coming
Post by t***@gmail.comRegards,
Tim Brennan
Sydney, Australia
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Post by Sam McClungadd: Chauncey Holt
Post by Sam McClungLee Harvey Oswald
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Sam Giancana and Chuck Giancana in Double Cross
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Jack Ruby while incarcerated post-assassination
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